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Schoolboy Error

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So finally got out under the stars Friday night to test my kit out (specifically my new 2600mc pro OSC and autofocuser) on the Pinwheel Galaxy. I've gone back to nina for control and acquisition with a new mini pc mounted on the telescope and connect wireless to my indoor pc. I have to say everything worked wonderfully, nice to have a camera that is so sensitive with integrated cooler!!! In fact once I got to grips with my kit again I thought let's have a go at the Pinwheel Galaxy, auto focus worked flawlessly, I was impressed, so I set up sequencer and shot 30 180sec subs and another 20 120 sec subs followed by matching darks. In the morning I chucked them all into DSS and waited for what I thought would be a great image to process,,,the result,,,,,a greyscale image, I checked all the subs and all appeared to register as greyscale!!!  What the %*&£!!!! I thought. After another hour of trying to pin the blame on software I realised something,,I had left my Lenhance filter in the optical chain!!! Of course now all made sense because the lenhance is a narrow band filter!!!! Schoolboy error most definately!!!

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I don't use DSS, but I'm a bit confused as to why you got a greyscale image? L-enHance is a dual narrowband filter and should give you a colour image if you use OSC and process it as colour. It's also got quite wide bands, particularly on the blue/green, and should give you a decent M101, enhancing the Ha quite nicely (albeit, longer exposures required).

All I can think is - did you run debayer on the subs? It will be greyscale until you do this...

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As above, you might need to tell DSS the Bayer pattern for the camera, RGGB. Also, you really don't need to use darks with this camera, as long as you are dithering to remove hot pixels. I just use a master bias and dither for both my 533MM and 2600MC.

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Yeah I don't understand it either  I loaded the subs into dss as  lights for a quick an rough stack to see what was there but the registered files showed as greyscale, I'm sure I set the rggb and debayered, I'll have another look and check dss settings. I'm very slowly trying siril, but it seems complicated to me, having to convert files etc. I'll have another go.

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That's what you would expect out of NINA - 16 bit greyscale. The debayer should turn it to RGB. If you make a sub available I can look at it in Pixinsight and debayer if you want?

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Would sirill be able to convert tiff to fits? I tried sirill for my comet ztf image and all my cr2 were converted to fits before I could do any of the other processes. 

I found sirill a bit complex and ended up using a trial of PI to do my image, but it it's first step creates you some fits maybe from there DSS will accept them and apply the debayer? 

I'm following this as I have bought a 533mc and not managed to use it yet due to clouds. 


Clear skies


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