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ED80 As A Solar Scope??


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Advice please..

I would like to start using my ED80 as a solar scope as well as a conventional scope...

1. What do I need to buy - Filter wise.?

2. By doing this is it any good for solar viewing.??

3. Is it safe???

4. How much do I need to spend?

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Great idea, Greg!

1. You can buy any one of several full aperture solar filters. Orion has a nice one, as does Thousand Oaks. Both are glass and very sturdy and very safe. Cost about $100US. (Conversion rate today? Anyone?) Baader film can be bought for cheaper and fashioned into a great solar filter. A few pounds, maybe for a sheet big enough for your scope and a pair of binocs.

2. An ED80 is nearly perfect for solar viewing! I had my H-Alpha on an 80mm Pronto, was fantastic! I also mounted the same HA on an 80mm el-cheapo refractor. Similar results.

3. Safety is foremost. Nothing short of full aperture coverage will do, although if a larger scope is used, stopping it down or masking it to the size of the filter is quite acceptable.

4. "Need" to spend? :) That's up to you, but as I said, Baader film will be cheaoest, with excellent views while a glass filter will be safest at higher cost. ?75 or so, I'd imagine, plus shipping etc. Worth every penny.

Now, if you wanted to go H-Alpha, you're talking 60mm Coronado filter set for the same scope, ?2500, wild guess. :lol: But the good news is, I'd be glad to "test" it for you beforehand, if you're concerned about safety...Couple months ought to do.

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Superb Astroman..

Thanks for the reply....Of course the "Owner" Of the ED80 would have to accompany the scope to the dry air and superb viewing of the quailty control center in Arizona!


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First class I understand!! :lol:

daz have you done one of these...Solar conversions??

The next question is .....

The ED80's cap has a smaller 40mm cap in the center could the Baader film be masked accross this and the duat cap be used as a solar filter??

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Yep, swat I did with the dustcover for the newt.

I cut a piece of film to cover the off-axis hole in the dustcover on the inside face. Then I just remove the off-axis dust cap when I want to solar observe :) I tried making a removeable solar filter for the off-axis cap at first, but this proved very fiddly. I was never much of a Blue Peter man, if you know what I mean!!!

I'm going to do something similar for the frac, using a large enough sheet of card and a cookie cutter!! Why the cookie cutter?? Well, if I trim the cardboard a) it won't be perfectly round and :) the edges could fray. I could be seeing strange shaped prominences in white light!!!

So, the cookie cutter will offer a nice round edge that will sit firmly in the board cover :lol:

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Just to stick my (unasked for) oar in :)....don't stop down the refractors to observe the Sun, use the full aperture. Aperture ALWAYS wins... :lol: Even on the Sun....

He has a good point (dammit :roll: :))

Resolution is linked to aperture - the more the better.

However, stopping the aperture down a little will improve acutence (edge detail).

Personally, I would cover the full aperture with Baader Solar film then try two or three smaller apertures (cut in card and held over the Solar Film) for comparison.

PS: I will have an Astro-Engineering Solar filter (uses Baader Solar Film) for use on my Revelation 80 at the Star Party.

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