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Insert - Removal tool(s) for 2 inch filters in tight spaces


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Anyone know of a tool for insertion/removal of 2 inch filters from restricted spaces ie inside adapters etc... I've just got a ZWO - Nikon adapter that takes 2 inch filters but almost impossible to insert a filter or remove it without getting finger marks on the filter glass.

I doubt I'm the first with this problem but even the big G doesn't give any clues?

I can insert a filter with a 48mm extn tube but its getting traction on the filter to remove it that's the problem.... an 'O' ring?

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@globular Thanks. Not quite what I was thinking. I'm wanting to get to the top rim of the filter to insert it inside (or remove from) an adapter. When I typed 'O' ring above a thought immediately crossed my mind - see attached sketch/drg

Essentially a 48mm extension tube with the 488mm thread removed (or partially removed) and replaced with an O ring bonded in place against the shoulder of the extension tube. The remainder of the threaded portion goes inside the filter acting as a guide whilst the O ring makes contact with the filter rim with enough grip to allow the filter to be either inserted or removed keeping fingers well clear.

If that makes sense?

O-ring filter adapter.jpg

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I'd probably change the above adapter (Modified extension tube) so it sits outside the filter's rim thereby avoiding any contact with the filter glass. Which will mean making a tube just over 2 inch in diameter to sit over the filter rim with an internal shoulder to hold the O ring.

See drg...

O-ring filter adapter Mk-II.jpg

Edited by fwm891
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This looks like the sort of thing 3d printing could easily fix.  How long a body does it need to have?

I recently went through a similar thought process with the cases for my 1.25" filters.  I also just got a 2" filter so it needs to have a case designed for it too.

My idea would be to make it reasonably snug fitting with something like flocking around the outside and craft foam/thin rubber sheet on the base to keep it secure whilst fitting and provide friction respectively .  I'd probably go for cuts down the side so you can slide the filter in/out easily.  I only say sheet over o-ring because it's easier to design.

Basically the attached but without the wings (so it's a cylinder), sized for a 2" filter, long enough to fit into you assembly and with the filter threads exposed.



Edited by Ratlet
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How about another filter, a cheapo and effectively disposable one, reversed so the crenellated rings meet each other, and with a lump of something epoxied to one side to provide purchase? Or perhaps thread-locked to a nosepiece if you don’t fancy destroying a filter

Edited by Captain Scarlet
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