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Cone closeup


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Hi starfolk 

I nearly didn’t process this or post 

I didn’t get nearly enough sii and oiii to satisfy the Atik383 but I thought I’d have a go anyway as it’s always good to share your info to help anyone thinking about imaging the same object 

its 9 hours Ha

4 hours oii

3.75 hours sii 

scope: 12”Meade sct Starizona lf field flattener/reducer 

Mount: skywatcher azeq6 

Camera: Atik 383l

Filters 1.25 Astrodon 

process: astropixelprocessor, Pixinsight, Photoshop, ps Express 

It’s a bit of a crop 



Thanks for looking 


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21 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

That is so good. I can only dream of getting an image like that.

Thanks Simmo39

Thank you for the comment 

There was a time when I would have felt the same, and I still do when I see some of the amazing images posted on this site 

Thanks again 


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ooh yes.  Thats lovely.  An object like this deserves a close up.

I really like the detail in the pillar - shades of black ! - and also the little chap's eyes and teeth at the top of the cone.  I could see them in my Ha image but they got lost in the jumble with the other filters.

If I can ask - what was your recipe for the colour palette? and how do you do it?  My HSO of this ended up a lurid red and yellow - which I actually quite like, but it would be nice to have a choice!


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1 hour ago, windjammer said:

ooh yes.  Thats lovely.  An object like this deserves a close up.

I really like the detail in the pillar - shades of black ! - and also the little chap's eyes and teeth at the top of the cone.  I could see them in my Ha image but they got lost in the jumble with the other filters.

If I can ask - what was your recipe for the colour palette? and how do you do it?  My HSO of this ended up a lurid red and yellow - which I actually quite like, but it would be nice to have a choice!


Hi Simon 

After stacking the individual filters (in astropixelprocessor) I opened them in Pixinsight, applied blur terminator to each sub then combined them sho which came out green (as usual) I then applied scnr in pix to remove the green, the colour at this point was quite muted but not too dissimilar to the posted image 

I then used curves to alter the colour balance a bit 

I then stretched using eztools soft stretch 

Saved the file, and opened in photoshop (cs6) where I applied a 10% luminance layer (ha) which I blended at about 20% opacity

I did a couple of extra things that I can’t quite remember, but the colour was tweaked in photoshop using a selective colour layer blended that in and did it again until I felt happy 

uploaded to my phone using OneDrive then used psxpress on my phone to tweak the contrast, sharpness, and colour balance again to make it look a bit cleaner 

Something like that, roughly 

selective colour is a great tool for altering the colour balance 

This could be useful?




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8 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

That's superbly detailed. Nice to see a DS image from an SCT for a change, too. It certainly works!


Thanks Olly 

I’ve been mainly imaging with my 12” Meade for about 12 months now. Although I have quite a few scopes to play with I have really enjoyed the closeup nature of my original “serious telescope” the challenges it throws up and it’s predictable nature

I hope one day to own a mount that will help me retain more usable subs, or a camera that doesn’t need 15min per sub to reveal the signal 

Thanks again for the comment 


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8 hours ago, windjammer said:

Bryan - Thanks for the instructions !  I will have another go at my Cone closeup...


You are welcome 

I am looking forward to seeing your revised image (not that there was anything wrong with your first!) 

Bryan 😊

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, windjammer said:

Hello Bryan - here is round 2  (well, more like #35!)  A very instructive process trying to rework data in a new direction.



Hi Simon 

Really nice work!

It’s difficult to flick from your old image to your new version for comparison whilst viewing it in my thread but I can see a lot of work has gone into colour control, sharpening details and star reduction! 

I’m impressed! 

I did like the dynamics of your first version as you had quite a lot of data, maybe you could try a combination of the images? 

Just a Suggestion? It’s all practice! 
Thank you so much for sharing your hard work 



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>>It’s difficult to flick from your old image to your new version for comparison whilst viewing it in my thread 

Good point!  Here is before and after. After your recommendation I added BXT and SCNR to the toolkit.  BXT in particular is a revelation...




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