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Need advice for processing comet C-2022 E3 using APP

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Hi Folks

With clear sky a rarity in the UK I’ve only just had chance to chase the comet C-2022 E3 ZTF.  I caught it on 6th Feb under a full moon, bortle 7/8 sky, light high cloud and in front of a very crowded star field all of which is making it tricky to process and I’m hoping for some advice please.

I use Astro Pixel Processor, Affinity Photo 2 and StarNet v2. Although I know it’s very powerful I know I’m not going to get PixInsight - waaay to complicated for me. I followed the basic procedure in this video: 


My efforts are in the attached photo sequence. I’ve done little additional processing to it beyond removing light pollution. My main issue is to find a way to minimise the ghost star trails on the comet plate (4). I used APP’s LNC MAD rejection set to 8 and 1.5 as suggested in the video, but honestly I’m not even certain what that means… Any suggestions which might help me improve this image? Thanks 😊 






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