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Cetus A Finally (Maybe)


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I started this 2 years ago, but the first run of subs had a different cropping (And rotation) to the main lot so were unuseable.

Many, many thanks to @silentrunning who passed the luminance stack through Blur XT. Gonna have to buy a PI and Blur XT licence!

Anyway, this is the Cetus A / NGC 1055 group. Cetus A is the closest and brightest Seyfert galaxy, but "close" and "bright" are relative!

I collected 24 x 10 min and 48 x 5 min Bin 1 Luminance subs, but only 23 and 46 made it into the stack.

The RGB is a bit of a hodge-podge of 11 Blue, 19 Green, and 17 Red subs in G2v calibration (600 sec R, G, 1050 sec B ) but some of the subs were collected in Bin 1 by mistake, so it's difficult to quantify the relative exposures.

The Luminance data was stacked with a calibrated Flat and Bias only with the whole lot in the stack to average them.


Cetus A is bottom right, North is to the left.

I won't collect any more data this year (Maybe some better RGB next year) but will concentrate on improving my processing of what I have already.

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49 minutes ago, DaveS said:

I don't know, it's made the outer ring of Cetus A a bit noisy. Need more data!

There's always a trade off Dave, but I prefer the brighter galaxies in your 2nd version. I will be interested to see what others think.

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I'm not sure how well it's showing on here, but in the original FITS on my 32" 4K monitor I can see a few knots of structure in the outer rings. Whether those are genuine galactic structures or foreground stars I'm not sure.

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