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Stars with drama !


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From my notebooks and not in order at all . Some favourite and often exotic stars.

"La Superba " Y CanesV. SAO 044317 a dramatic red star.

"Hind's Crimson" R Lep. SAO 150058 , variable , but on a high you can see why it's called the vampire star by some.

Tegmine , Zeta Cancri , SAO 097645, wonder if challenging triple .

“Winter Albireos, “ i Cancri RA08.46.7 Dec. +28 46'at 30.7" separation.                         HJ 3945 Canis Major ,SAO 173349 at 26.8"

“The Garnet star “ Cepheus SAO 033693 Wonderful colour .

Mira ( of the variables) ο Ceti SAO 129825, check out the science of this amazing star .

Iota Cassiopeiae, SAO 012298, lovely bright triple

Beta Monocerotis SAO 133317, a stunning triple

“The Blaze Star “!T Corona Borealis RA 15h59.5m Dec +25 55'

Kruger 60 , Cepheus RA 22h28.6m Dec +57 47' very close orbit , varies visibly.

“Methuselah Star”, Libra SAO 159459 probably our oldest star formed after the BB. It stands pretty much alone , but what age !

“Barnard's star “,Ophuichus. Ra 17h57m48s Dec +04 41' fast, 10.3" per annum.

“Plaskett's Star “V640 Monocerotis,Ra 06h37.4m Dec +06 08' massive spectroscopic binary . X100 sol mass.

Luyten's star . Canis Minor, (GJ273) red dwarf (+9.9)

“Piazzas flying double “ SAO 070919 beautiful wide pair .orange /orange. look like trapeze artists !

Groombridge 34 , Andromeda.Ra 00h15.5m +43 44' . 2.3" split for our nearest binaries.

R Aquari .Ra 23h09m Dec-22 27' symbiotic white dwarf and red giant minute separation.

“Rams eyes” .Mesartim γ Αquari SAO 092680 wide near matching double.

That’ll keep you busy for a bit !


I also added a list of carbon stars , mostly variable ,27DB78DD-0289-42EB-8FF2-5A6CABF9E682.thumb.jpeg.f53def0344f8efa39d647c33ec86c261.jpegso you won't know until you see some gorgeous colours . Better seen in smaller apertures .

Clear skies ! Nick.

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