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Mars 07-12-22


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Seeing was really bad. Trying to achieve focus was so, so difficult, the image was boiling and doubling so much but I noticed micro moments of okay views so took 300 second exposures and then processed the hell out of the images. Of all that I got this is the best one. Not great sadly but for how bad the sky was I am pleased I was able to pull out any details at all. 

1.5x Barlow

Exp = 3
Gain = 290 

Record time = 300 

Stacked in AS3
Waveletts in Registax
Colour balance and curves in GIMP


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15 hours ago, yelsac said:

Nice image, I had some similar last night but not as good. Is that olympus mons at around one o'clock?

Yes it is, I was surprised by how well it was standing out. Even appeared well seen on the laptop screen at times. 


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