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Absolute disaster occultation session!


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Set the alarm to allow me to get sorted to image the occultation. My captures are below-



Can't see them?

Blame the neighbours. They put their house in the way!

I had to dismount the HEQ5PRO from my pier, shove it on a tripod further down the garden and polar align. y the time I had done that, the occultation had passed.

To add insult to injury, the roof of the house intervened between me and the sight of Mars reappearing.

To think I could still be tucked up in bed.... 

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Not quite as bad an experience as yours - I started recording video too early and filled up my laptop memory with buffering video. Then disconnected the camera too early after the session and feared I'd lost the video - luckily was able to recover the cache of jpegs and reconstruct the video! But had a panic filled 5 minutes while I hunted around in the filesystem!

Also realized afterward  I should have used 2x barlow. Was kind of caught up in the moment - it was spectacular!

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I set my alarm at 9 last night for 4:30, at least I thought I did. Woke up at 6:30 looked at my phone, no alarm was set. Don't set an alarm when you are already tired is the life lesson there 😜

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A washout here! Beautifully clear at 4:30. I was all set up with high-mag and low-mag dual rig. All set to capture movie and stills.

10 minutes before the event the clouds rolled in. 😠😠😠

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