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Bored lunar processing

neil phillips

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 Missed the moon quite High due to cloud last few days. Hopefully next time i can actually try and get some. it's been a while. Lots of data saved so just playing with some tonight.

245MM Newtonian 178mm EQ5 PRO click for capture size





05_27_29_pipp sgl.png e.png con.png

Edited by neil phillips
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Superb detail Neil 👍.

Doesn't look sharpened at all, but i assume it is so looks just about what i think perfect processing is.

How high was the moon at during capture and did you use a specific filter with the mono camera? I am asking because i think i have a pretty good mirror in my 8 inch (quoted as 0.015 wave RMS by OOUK zygo) newt and have not been able to take nearly as quasi stellar shot like this, but admittebly so far the Moon has been only below 30 degrees for me so far. But you are the king of this kind of imaging as far as i can tell, so probably some other magic at play as well. Anyway, excellent image!

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10 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Superb detail Neil 👍.

Doesn't look sharpened at all, but i assume it is so looks just about what i think perfect processing is.

How high was the moon at during capture and did you use a specific filter with the mono camera? I am asking because i think i have a pretty good mirror in my 8 inch (quoted as 0.015 wave RMS by OOUK zygo) newt and have not been able to take nearly as quasi stellar shot like this, but admittebly so far the Moon has been only below 30 degrees for me so far. But you are the king of this kind of imaging as far as i can tell, so probably some other magic at play as well. Anyway, excellent image!

Hi Onikkinen Many thanks you're a gentleman.  If I remember I think the moon may well have been in the 50 degrees elevation ballpark. I used a ir685 filter. And as can be seen quite a high focal length. I also took some this night Native focal length no barlow. Which is quite sharp also. But doesn't have the flying over the surface feel you get when a certain resolution and focal length is reached. Appreciate the comments on the processing. I tend to hold back a bit most often. As I hate noise. I have looked hard on the image. And I can not see any noise. But in some places, it looks like it might be there. But upon studying more, I believe it's actually tiny craters. Personally, I agree I don't think 30 degrees is enough for this kind of thing. So best to try when it's as high as possible. Especially under good seeing. And you will get the detail come out. I've been watching your work and its excellent.  Seeing here wasn't the best. I know it can do better so looking forward to getting out there high up under calm air. Cheers 

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51 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

 So best to try when it's as high as possible. Especially under good seeing

Ah, well this part is the truly difficult part isn't it? I think i have had 5 nights in 2 years when the Moon is high and seeing is decent, and especially, i had the appropriate kit to use that (0 times o far!)

Anyway, i dont want to sound like its all seeing, Neil, its definitely you that makes a lot of these images pop out like they were popping out my eye.

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43 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Ah, well this part is the truly difficult part isn't it? I think i have had 5 nights in 2 years when the Moon is high and seeing is decent, and especially, i had the appropriate kit to use that (0 times o far!)

Anyway, i dont want to sound like its all seeing, Neil, its definitely you that makes a lot of these images pop out like they were popping out my eye.

I've seen what your doing lunar wise And its good. Have faith you never know when the night will be great. And you will nail it I am sure. But I know what you mean. Waited ages to get a go at the moon high up. And lost the lot. Not one night. But now just waiting for the next showing. I would definitely try a IR685 even with average seeing. like here. if its high. The IR will help a lot. Can't remember how much you use one ? but i find its the sweet spot with UK seeing

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Your images are terrific. I am very impressed. One day I hope to get even a half-decent image myself, but still have a lot to learn.  Thanks  for sharing and inspiring me to have a go.

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Nice images to your high standards Neil. I particularly like the second one with the rilles in display and their sharpness from the excellent processing. I want to revisit moon rilles with my asi462 camera.

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5 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Fab images Neil some really fine details there, some artifacts in the small crater shadows on the second but that’s easily sorted. Love the central peak of Moretus poking up into the sunshine. 

Cheers Craig. I believe some of the brightness changes are caused by ICE i tend to prefer not messing with levels too much on certain images. But blacks can be lowered of course

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1 hour ago, DrMike said:

Your images are terrific. I am very impressed. One day I hope to get even a half-decent image myself, but still have a lot to learn.  Thanks  for sharing and inspiring me to have a go.

Many thanks. If what I post makes others join the amazing world of lunar imaging, then then that's inspiring too. Please do get out there when you can

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41 minutes ago, Kon said:

Nice images to your high standards Neil. I particularly like the second one with the rilles in display and their sharpness from the excellent processing. I want to revisit moon rilles with my asi462 camera.

Cheers Kon yes waiting now for the moon to be well placed again under reasonable seeing hopefully 

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