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Well that was a bit nice.....


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As I was leaving work around 7pm tonight, I noticed the sky starting to clear, and the met page showed the chance of a couple of hours clear.

Got home and leisurely set up and waited for the camera to cool.

And then sat back to watch the images roll in.

As they were coming through, it was obvious that they weren't 'normal' conditions, and going outside I couldnt believe it. Clear, stable, transparent sky, the best for ages.

I know it was good because it even prompted me to lug the 300P beast out of the shed. Did the usuals, Saturn, Praesepe etc, but then managed to get M13, M81, M82, and best of all for me, M51. These all looked glorious and made me think twice about selling the dob.

Over to the north I can just see the start of the shower clouds moving down, but have had a good three hours of unexpected GREAT skies. What a tonic!

I hope most areas have shared the good fortune?


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Nice one Tim. Got about 10 minutes tonight of proper clear skies, not just gaps in the clouds and had a look at Saturn with the Skymax 102, first visually, and then with the intention of trying to webcam it, but the clouds had other ideas.

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Its bound to be clear in South Wales tomorrow as I'm in Yorkshire! I did get a quick 45 minutes viewing in tonight though with Jean. Even from suburban Cardiff things loooked great! She's enjoying the ETX125 :)


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Clear at the moment, but the darned filter wheel has been playing up again, and I've lost half an hour or so.

The satellite shows the rain band having almost reached bristol, so I should have a bit more time yet :)



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