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3089 white light 31st August

neil phillips

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Been a while since i tried some white light. . Used the Bresser 127l F9.5. Even though i have a larger white light filter for my Newtonian. I really dont like baking it. Its my main planetary scope. I hate extreme heat bombarding it. So the Bresser although lower resolution by quite some margin. is still enjoyable. 

Bresser 127L Achromatic refractor. GSO 3X Barlow put just in front of the camera and binned 2x. GSO IR block Baader continuum filter. SW EQ5 PRO mount Baader 3.8 OD Film. 


31staug.png done.png

31staug.png done.png false.png h.png



Full resolution 178m

full res.png 75.png b.png s.png

last.png 75.png

Edited by neil phillips
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Great shots Neil, certainly still getting some good resolution out of the 127mm.

I viewed it today in my little 76mm, clearly nothing like the same resolution but still good detail visible in the penumbra around the main spot, and I love that light bridge too, across the umbra.

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4 hours ago, callisto said:

The 127 achro gives some nice images Neil :thumbsup:



Cheers Mark. The optics are slightly under corrected. The usual softness one side of a out of focus star test. But its not as bad as some large achros. For the money its tolerable just. 

Of course a fair bit of CA that a baader 495 longpass helps with. But that isn't a problem for the sun. Its a good cheap solar scope. Without question. And being white absorbs a lot less heat than black tubes. Built like a tank. long as a bus its had a few knocks since ive had it. But collimation remains good. 

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3 hours ago, Stu said:

Great shots Neil, certainly still getting some good resolution out of the 127mm.

I viewed it today in my little 76mm, clearly nothing like the same resolution but still good detail visible in the penumbra around the main spot, and I love that light bridge too, across the umbra.

Much appreciated Stu. I have noticed a lot of the large groups that form seem to have those prominent light bridges. Perhaps its a magnetic size thing ?  Out of my depth on understanding any of that. But I think I have noticed. The larger more powerful groups seem to have them more often. I do find those features particularly interesting. And striking visually. 

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