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AstroLandscapes #41 - Cape Cornwall and Kenidjack Castle

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It's been a frustrating late Spring and Summer for me for getting out and shooting astro-landscapes, due to the conspiracy of weather, work and family. I've managed some noctilucent cloud and deep sky action, but very little more.  So a 2 week family holiday to the far south west of Cornwall was hopefully going to give me a load of nights out shooting some lovely locations under dark skies.  Except our visit coincided with cloudy nights every night until a 90 minute window on our final evening, which had me charging out with the camera and my eldest son in tow (not sure how helpful he was!!).

I headed to a spot near St Just called Kenidjack Castle, which overlooks the beautiful mound of Cape Cornwall to the south south west.  Whilst cloud persisted through the evening, I managed a couple of shots.  The first is of the Milky Way over Cape Cornwall; it was wonderful to see the core looking so bright to the eye, although light pollution from the eyesore of Lands End lit some of the clouds nearby, which were a pain during processing.  I believe @Rustang got a very similar shot earlier this year.  For the second, I turned the other way to capture the ruins of Kenidjack in the foreground with Cassiopeia behind - you can see how the clouds started to thicken at this point, but I actually like the effect in the overall image.  

Nice to be back posting astrolandscape shots, anyway - hope you enjoy!


All shot with an unmodified Canon 6D mk1 and Samyang 24mm f/1.4 lens

Milky Way and Cape Cornwall

9x15s at ISO 6400 and f/2, with 1x180s at ISO1600 and f/4 for the foreground. Stacked in Sequator and edited in PS and LR.  Some nice airglow in the shot too!


Cassiopeia and Kenidjack Castle

Single 13s sky shot at ISO3200 and f/2 with Kase Starglow filter, with 2x light painted foreground shots at 13s and ISO 800 f/4


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Absolutely beautiful images 😍 Paul, really in awe of your astrophotography landscapes truly breathtaking. I can only apologise on behalf of the Cornish weather, hopefully next time you'll be treated to total clear skies for long periods. 



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