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Brilliant flash of light

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Hi I have been out tonight and have been using binoculars and naked eyes to view the best Skys I have seen for many a while.

I stood looking in the direction of Cassiopeia and suddenly there was a brilliant flash of light to the right of Shedir  this was at 10 mins to midnight did anyone else notice it?

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I was out with the binoculars and in the recliner at a similar time and saw something bright fly through the view. Far too fast for a satellite (which, by chance, one was also one passing through!). From memory, at the time I was looking somewhere in Cygnus, so a Perseid meteor would make sense and could well have been the same one. I did look around but saw nothing more of it.

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About 02.30 a bright satellite overhead travelled towards the South East, slightly faster than the ISS. 

Around 03.00 I was facing North West and saw a flash like distant lightning, it was  yellow, and I didn't see any meteor in that direction at the time, or any sounds later.

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I’ve noticed that starlink satellites can often produce short rapid brightening a a little like the old Iridium ones. If I notice one I keep looking on the general direction and often I then see several more in the same area. Often the duration of the flash is quite short and you can’t see them before or after. I don’t find the starlink predictions especially good, been out to see passes and seen nothing and seen things that were not predicted. Very fast is likely a meteor. 


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