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Red lamp/light.


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Visited Decathlon 2 days back and they had a small USB and wind up lamp in. Usefully to astronomers the first option is a nice dim red lamp. Didn't expect Red and don't think they advertise it as such.

Illumination order seems to be: Press once and it is a dim red, press 2nd time within about 2 seconds and it is dim white, another press within another 2 seconds and it is a "bright" white.. The bright is in "" as the bright is not exactly bright, really pretty dim.

If after the the press for red you leave it for around 5+ seconds then the next press it simply switches off - so no need to cycle through Red-White-White to get to Off.

As said USB chargeable and also you can hand wind it. Reasonable size flat base, dumpy little thing. For a useful astro lamp seems pretty good. Oh yes, cost a penny or 5 below £13. Half the problem is you need a Decathlon within reach.

Bought one to try, sort of well impressed, likely to pick up a second.

Again apologies if in the wrong location, or old news.

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I've had a number of Decathlon USB head torches and wind-up lamps. (Here in France you are never far from a branch.) They have been consistently excellent and very reliable. When choosing one for astronomy, the thing I'd watch out for is whether or not, to go from On-Red to Off, you have to scroll through White-On. Obviously it is far better to be able to go directly from On-Red to Off, as I can with my present one.

37 minutes ago, DaveS said:

Hmm.... never heard of Decathlon outside the Olympics.

Huge French sporting goods outlet, Dave. There was a branch in Derby when I lived near there. I don't know how widespread they are.  I'm going back 20 years but, back then, the English branches I saw were very lack-lustre compared with the French ones. They were the same size but in England the shelves were half-empty and stocks were poor. Maybe that was a start-up period issue but, here, they are good shops selling decent quality goods at prices between 'Good' and 'Downright bargain.' I am currently sporting a pair of their shorts but will spare you the photograph...


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3 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

I've had a number of Decathlon USB head torches and wind-up lamps. (Here in France you are never far from a branch.) They have been consistently excellent and very reliable. When choosing one for astronomy, the thing I'd watch out for is whether or not, to go from On-Red to Off, you have to scroll through White-On. Obviously it is far better to be able to go directly from On-Red to Off, as I can with my present one.

Huge French sporting goods outlet, Dave. There was a branch in Derby when I lived near there. I don't know how widespread they are.  I'm going back 20 years but, back then, the English branches I saw were very lack-lustre compared with the French ones. They were the same size but in England the shelves were half-empty and stocks were poor. Maybe that was a start-up period issue but, here, they are good shops selling decent quality goods at prices between 'Good' and 'Downright bargain.' I am currently sporting a pair of their shorts but will spare you the photograph...


Thanks Olly. Done a google search (D'oh) the nearest to me is Poole Islands, so Bournemouth way. A bit far to just drop in "on spec".

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I'll have a look at the Decathlon ones, but people might also be interested in several that are made by Energizer. The ones of particular interest have two buttons on them, one which operates the red led, and the other operates the white led.

We've had some for several years and they're very solidly made.

We bought ours online through 7dayshop at good prices, but they don't always have them. 

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Many lights are way too bright for astronomy use. So I insist on ones that can be dimmed right down.

I also much prefer a headlamp to a torch. I very rarely observe with anyone else, and so my headlamp doesn't have a chance to shine in anyone's eyes. This is because on the very rare occasions I'm with others I'm carrying the headlamp in my hand - just the same as a flashlight! So a headlamp is multi-purpose, and to my eyes preferable, especially as it keeps 2 hands free.

I'd recommend one of the inexpensive Black Diamond range of headtorches that can be set very dim.  Moreover, they can be set to always come on with the dimmest red light whichever button you push - so no accidents!

The red beam is wide and even, as is one of the two white beams, the other white one being a spotlight.

You do need to avoid the higher priced ones that have a battery check on starting up though. This is because they light up an intense blue that'll ruin your dark adaption. Additionally, those with the Powertap feature can be knocked on accidentally. BTW, the so-called Astro models aren't suitable for astronomy as they don't have a red light!

I'd suggest the discontinued Cosmo 250 that's sold at a reduced price from £17.60 on at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Black-Diamond-Cosmo-250-Headlamp/dp/B07S2ZJ6CG


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a Black Diamond Cosmo 250 that has a dimmable red LED. It remembers what setting it was previously on when you switch on, but you do need to be a little careful that you don't accidentally switch to eye-ball melting mode with a clumsy button press. I like the fact that it doubles as a general-use headlamp as well as for a red lamp for astronomy. The dimmest red setting is pretty dim IMO.

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