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Jupiter and Saturn from 09.07.22

Pete Presland

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1st session on the Gas Giants appropriately  "stinks" a little 🙂 spent way too long on some pretty average data to be honest.  Been doing this for long enough to know what is worth the effort and what is pretty average. 

Both with Asi 224mc, ADC and x1.8 Barlow. 180 second SER Files stacked in AS3, processed in Registax 6, with a light stretch in CS2.




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7 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Been doing this for long enough to know what is worth the effort and what is pretty average. 

Well done on your 1st session this season Pete, its similar to what ive been getting apart from one decent session when both saturn & Jupiter were quite stable!

As i said to Neil in an earlier post i binned all my data from the 15th & 16th maybe im getting just lazy in my old age but experience tells me theres no point in pushing bad data!

Edited by si@nite
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3 minutes ago, Pete Presland said:

Its useful for a comparison against good data, i guess.  I certainly will not being hanging on to this data for long, a Terabyte hard drive soon fills up these days 🙂  

More than that Pete practice is also good. We know how long we have all been doing this. But i still think practice helps. It obviously wont help the seeing. But it can help get the most out of the seeing we get from any particular session. Be it bad average or good. Good to see you posting planets again Pete. Now you have broken the Ice just need some better seeing. 

Nice one

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3 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

More than that Pete practice is also good. We know how long we have all been doing this. But i still think practice helps. It obviously wont help the seeing. But it can help get the most out of the seeing we get from any particular session. Be it bad average or good. Good to see you posting planets again Pete. Now you have broken the Ice just need some better seeing. 

Nice one

It is a nice time to be up and outside, so no real negatives to it either. The practice is definitely helpful and checking the collimation of my scope, when out each time gives me confidence.

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