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ISS at 58degrees vs 88degrees

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I was lucky to have two decent time passes of the ISS last night at 11pm and 1240am. The first pass was at 58 degrees max elevation and the second one at 88. I noticed that the past few weeks the passes we get do not give nice solar panel array views but more of the Star Wars TIE fighter 🤣. Nevertheless, I managed some nice captures despite the high wind and some either haze or jet stream. 8"  Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, ROI 640x480, gain 260, exposure 0.5ms. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface. I pushed the colour saturation a bit more this time and I really like the yellow hues on the panels. First two are at 58degrees and next two from the 88 pass. The difference on the relative size as ISS is approaching is also apparent.


Edited by Kon
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Great images!

But now you have me thinking!

For the ISS to pass so closely overhead twice, does that mean it's angle of orbit, time to make one orbit, working out closely to the rotation speed/distance of the Earth, made this happen?

In the time it took to make its 90 minute orbit, your house moved the right direction and distance to be close overhead again.

Only 30° change in attitude. 

Edited by maw lod qan
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12 minutes ago, maw lod qan said:

Great images!

But now you have me thinking!

For the ISS to pass so closely overhead twice, does that mean it's angle of orbit, time to make one orbit, working out closely to the rotation speed/distance of the Earth, made this happen?

In the time it took to make its 90 minute orbit, your house moved the right direction and distance to be close overhead again.

Only 30° change in attitude. 

Thanks. Gosh I never thought of that! A quick Google search revealed this:


It's a good read.


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