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SGL 2022 Challenge 4 - Solar

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A big thank you to all who made submissions.  A superb set of images and what a challenge for the judges!  We have made a selection but we could easily have made a completely different pick.  So, for better or worse, here are the results.

1) Rob63 - AR2993 and 2994 in Ha



2) Minhlead - full disc



3) Astrovani AR 2978



Have a look at the challenge thread here https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/392959-sgl-2022-challenge-4-solar/


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Congratulations Rob, a great image, well deserved award, the image of colleague Minhlead is also very good. I am honored to have an image selected in a category that is not my strong point, I send a hug to everyone who participated.

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