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JWST - NGC 3324 Carina Nebula


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30 minutes ago, The Lazy Astronomer said:

Hmm, very interesting! I may have a bash at this myself at the weekend. Processing IR data seems appropriate during the hottest weekend of the year. 

Out of curiosity, what was the raw data like to work with? 

It was an absolute treat to work with. No noise reduction needed whatsoever.

The main bit is messing around with the colours since there are 5 channels.

I did have to downsample since a couple didn't have the drizzling applied, not so sure why but made it a lot easier time wise.

Also, the shell script contains every single calibration file and thumbnails which took me an hour to realise that the stitched data I wanted was lying around


Edit: I've just had a look on MAST and the data is now publicly available there as it wasn't earlier. Just search by proposal ID (2731 for Carina) and you'll be able to download the files

48 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

A beautiful rendition, kind of looks better that their rendition, I have to say.

Thank you! Means a lot :)

Edited by matt_baker
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3 minutes ago, tomato said:

I agree, IMHO your rendition is more subtle than the NASA version, and the better for it. You should  email it to them and ask for a job!☺️

I wish! I think the actual job title is 'Science visuals developer'. Dream job right there aha

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Nice processing there Matt.

Hi All,

I wanted to see how the latest JWST pic of a tiny part of the Gabriela Mistral Nebula compared with
the previous best image which is of course the Hubble picture.
see the .gif animation here:

The JWST is so much better -
it's taken the image to another level.




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I looked back on some old data from 2014 from Melbourne Australia.
This was a tiny crop taken out of the picture with an 8" Newt and my QHY-9 mono in LRGB and Ha.
This was the full frame with a different processing:


This crop below is of a similar field of view to the JWST,
and it shows how small and difficult the target is through an amateur telescope.

The highest it went was 63 degrees South in elevation on that night.

NGC 3324  HaLRGB_PS_6_b_3.jpg

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