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Very interesting and unusual high level cloud formations to the north west of our house in Loweswtoft on the 30th June 2022 - 30 minutes after local sunset.  I would welcome your views as to whether these are NLCs or not as I was considering entering them in the SGL NLC competition. Either way they were spectacular to see.  Each were individual handheld photos taken from a bedroom window using a Canon 600d DSLR with the Standard 18-55 Canon EFS lens . A bit of cropping  and a little processing using Affinity Photo software. 



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Normally appear around local mid-night give or take an hour.   So look to your Northern horizon between 12:00am and 02:00am.

Any lower clouds appear much darker if not black in contrast to NLC's beautiful electric blue.   

NLC's also have that spiny filamentary structure.

This is a picture I took in North Yorkshire in July 2020 at 03:15am with dawn rapidly approaching. Itwas a good display that persisted.

It has some high Cirro-Cumulus in it like your picture and they are starting to catch the dawns rays, but the NLCs literally shone through even against a brightening sky.





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