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I have made starless processing a standard part of my routine.  I don't always use it (sometimes its not needed), but I always check to see.  I the case of the Rosette Nebula--it helped immensley.  I was never satisfied with my Rosette captured with the FSQ 106.  Here is an example of how starless processing was a benefit.  There are parts of the old version I like--such as the greater signal in the faint outer regions--especially the dark structures along the bottom.  But this came at a cost.  I call it the cartoon effect.    

Starless processing



Old Version--non starless processing



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19 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

That last one is really nice.

Yes, and the one with the best depth. Something you rarely see in astrophotos. In this image, you can clearly see (or imagine) that the object has three dimensions. Can it be some mismatch in the merging, or what is the answer?

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50 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

WOW! I am doubly impressed with your rosette, wonderfully sharp abundance of detail you have captured and those colours are just superb! stunning image.

Thanks Sunshine. It only took me 4 years!

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49 minutes ago, Rallemikken said:

Yes, and the one with the best depth. Something you rarely see in astrophotos. In this image, you can clearly see (or imagine) that the object has three dimensions. Can it be some mismatch in the merging, or what is the answer?

Thanks.  I think it is just degree. It always amazes me how the slightest of adjustments can have huge impact on an image. A little too much or not enough and the image is degraded.  I think in this case it’s just a matter of the two versions blended so that the various levels happen to be better than either image alone. 

Edited by Rodd
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