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Jupiter 3rd June

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Must have knocked my polar alignment off the other day. was tracking just fine this morning.  Imaging in daylight affecting the image. But still detail coming through even this early. 

Its nice and peaceful out in the garden in the early morning. Crows nesting on my right seagulls waking up. 

And Jupiter. 

Stella lyra 8" Classical Cassegrain QHY 462 C Camera QHY IR UV BLOCK. EQ5 PRO 

jupiter 3rd june .png




Edited by neil phillips
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Very nice. I prefer the bottom one, colours seem more natural, top has a blueish-pinkish hue (at least on my mobile)

Is that Ganemed's shadow next to the GRS? Did you get the chance to observe the transition?

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4 hours ago, Kon said:

Very nice. I prefer the bottom one, colours seem more natural, top has a blueish-pinkish hue (at least on my mobile)

Is that Ganemed's shadow next to the GRS? Did you get the chance to observe the transition?

Hi Kon. the bluish tinge is caused by the fact i was capturing in daylight. After adjusting colour. its actually a more true reflection of capturing conditions. It was my first processing attempt. But i liked its honesty. it has half as many frames as the second ( bottom ) processing attempt. With more processing manipulations to simulate more darkness. 

To be honest i could hardly see the transit on screen. With the high sky background. I doubt i could have detected it through the eyepiece. (Though i didnt try, as i was too busy trying to get a good capture )   I have always said. ( and this is likely a prime example )  that more can actually be seen on screen via camera. Than is often possible through the eyepiece alone. ( think EEVA ) I have numerous situations over the years that i have become aware of this. Though its not a popular view. Because i believe its a myth that more can be seen through the eyepiece. Though of course what can be seen through the eyepiece has a different quality. So there will always be a place for that. I believe it was a Europa transit

Edited by neil phillips
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I tell you what Neil the detail in these images is amazing for this early in the season, you certainly have your CC purring right now. Regarding a blueish tinge I have just purchased a ZWO Asi462c and in early terrestrial testing I get a heavy blue cast. I do use firecapture and in the settings tab the WB is Red 52 & Blue 95 by default and there is no adjustment for the green does the qhy version of the 462c have a simular WB? as the Asi seems heavily biased towards blue. I think you know I am new to OSC. So my question is would I just capture in debayer mode and deal with the WB in post Processing. Sorry for picking your brains😀

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56 minutes ago, morimarty said:

I tell you what Neil the detail in these images is amazing for this early in the season, you certainly have your CC purring right now. Regarding a blueish tinge I have just purchased a ZWO Asi462c and in early terrestrial testing I get a heavy blue cast. I do use firecapture and in the settings tab the WB is Red 52 & Blue 95 by default and there is no adjustment for the green does the qhy version of the 462c have a simular WB? as the Asi seems heavily biased towards blue. I think you know I am new to OSC. So my question is would I just capture in debayer mode and deal with the WB in post Processing. Sorry for picking your brains😀

No worries picking my brains i enjoy talking with people truly interested in planetary imaging. To answer your question. I think there is mixed opinion on this. I know some prefer to adjust WB at capture. I was told by a leading camera supplier its better to capture as is. and do all the WB balance post processing. So thats what i do. The daylight is throwing my colour off. as you can see. 

The blue cast is certainly worse capturing in daylight.  If you do try capturing as is, and decide to colour balance later. I would try doing a stretch histogram white point. Under processing options in PIPP. Registax RGB balance also can be useful. ( though it sometimes guesses wrong ) Both PIPP and registax are often quite close to reasonable colour balance. But in daylight capturing it will be slightly off. Often i then adjust by eye. But that can be a little bit hit and miss

btw no the QHY just has WB set to default.  I use sharpcap, the image there for will be green until post processing is done

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36 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

If you do try capturing as is, and decide to colour balance later. I would try doing a stretch histogram white point. Under processing options in PIPP. Registax RGB balance

Thanks for your reply Neil. I will capture as is and colour balance later I'll also try stretching histogram white point in pipp although I am not that familiar with pipp but will give it a go.


47 minutes ago, neil phillips said:

. I was told by a leading camera supplier its better to capture as is. and do all the WB balance post processing.

I would think the camera manufacturer/suppliers Know best so thats good enough fo me!

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5 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Hi Kon. the bluish tinge is caused by the fact i was capturing in daylight. After adjusting colour. its actually a more true reflection of capturing conditions. It was my first processing attempt. But i liked its honesty. it has half as many frames as the second ( bottom ) processing attempt. With more processing manipulations to simulate more darkness. 

To be honest i could hardly see the transit on screen. With the high sky background. I doubt i could have detected it through the eyepiece. (Though i didnt try, as i was too busy trying to get a good capture )   I have always said. ( and this is likely a prime example )  that more can actually be seen on screen via camera. Than is often possible through the eyepiece alone. ( think EEVA ) I have numerous situations over the years that i have become aware of this. Though its not a popular view. Because i believe its a myth that more can be seen through the eyepiece. Though of course what can be seen through the eyepiece has a different quality. So there will always be a place for that. I believe it was a Europa transit

I see your point on processing based on the seeing conditions and I have to agree; I suppose are eyes are drawn to more vivid colours. I saw your comment a couple of posts later doing the white histogram in PIPP, can you explain a bit more please? Is that the autostrech to certain % under processing tab?

(I like the simplicity of observing unaided and looking down the eyepiece, thus why I have the Dob. Of course EEVA or other camera technique will give more details as you are stacking/tracking).

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1 hour ago, Kon said:

I see your point on processing based on the seeing conditions and I have to agree; I suppose are eyes are drawn to more vivid colours. I saw your comment a couple of posts later doing the white histogram in PIPP, can you explain a bit more please? Is that the autostrech to certain % under processing tab?

(I like the simplicity of observing unaided and looking down the eyepiece, thus why I have the Dob. Of course EEVA or other camera technique will give more details as you are stacking/tracking).

Yes Kon thats the one. For anyone else new to this and you want to try

Here's what you do. Open PIPP then look for 

Source files - input options - processing options.

click processing options. Then look for Histogram equalization. Then tick the box that says

stretch histogram white point to 75%. Also tick the box that says Equalize R G And Blue individually (for colour cameras)

PIPP will then adjust the RGB Histogram channels so they are even. producing a better balanced colour result if you have chosen to not adjust white balance at capture. 



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10 hours ago, MarkRadice said:

Fantastic results, Neil. Great to see you capturing Jupiter so early in the season. Next stop Mars I hope?

Hi Mark nice to see you around. Planets are going to be great this year for us. I know you will be doing some good work too.

Yes Mars is on the list  I did read there was a dust storm. Hopefully some details will be visible soon.

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3 hours ago, morimarty said:

Thanks for your reply Neil. I will capture as is and colour balance later I'll also try stretching histogram white point in pipp although I am not that familiar with pipp but will give it a go.


I would think the camera manufacturer/suppliers Know best so thats good enough fo me!

Hi Martyn if it helps see my expanded histogram equalization write up. Will get you up to speed quickly


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