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Hope this is OK to post this here.

Good morning everyone. l was wondering if anyone subscribes to this magazine astronomytechnologytoday? l bought a subscription on the 12th May had a confirmation email to say all good. Now l cannot connect to their site all l get is 'error establishing a database connection'. l get that no matter what l click on. Wondering if anyone else is having problems? lt was only $9 for a 2 year subscription as was on a special offer. So not a lot of money to lose if it has gone bottoms up. 

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I get the same thing. It was working fine a few days ago so I suspect some form of IT problems. I guess keep trying in a couple of days. If you have not downloaded the magazines they are very large, of the order of 200Mb.

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Thank you icpn l feel a bit better now lol. Yes thank you Stu l found that page this morning and messaged them. They had problems back in 2017 with a similar thing so hopefully just a glitch as it seems a really good magazine.

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Yes, same message with multiple browsers.

It is responding to pings, though rather slowly:

Pinging astronomytechnologytoday.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=86ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=86ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=55

They seem to be hosted by bandwisehosting.com, whose main site seems OK.

Possibly haven't paid their bills on time.

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