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Sol in H⍺ - 6th May 2022


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Please find below a selection of images captured on this day showing the activity on our Sun.


Most of the activity today was located on the southern hemisphere with only a few filaments and a filaprom visible in the north. Here we can see active regions (L-R) AR13006, AR13004 and AR13001 plus some fine filaments.



Centred in the image is AR13001 with some lovely filaments surrounding this single sun spot. This region of activity is classified Hsx.



Here we have AR13006 just coming off the eastern limb. Classified Cao, AR13006 is comprised of 8 sun spots and is actively producing flares. A total of 7 flares occurred today the largest being C3.3. As this image was being captured a C1.7 flare erupted peaking at 10.24 UT.



Moving back west we have AR13004 centred in the image. This consists of 25 sun spots and is classified Dkc. Since emerging, AR13004 has also been active, producing 5 flares today and on 3rd May 2022 a whopping X1.1 class flare.



Returning to AR13006 this time with a standard greyscale image revealing the bright region around the sun spots.



Heading up to the northern hemisphere we have two nice prominences on the north and north west limb plus a filaprom.



Back south we have some nice prominences on the south east limb and a long filament on the solar disc.



Thank you for dropping by and have a great weekend.


Edited by Hughsie
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