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Im back for my yearly Solar Holiday!


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Hi, As its getting harder for me to do DSO stuff I have switched to my Solar scout and will be residing here for a few months till we get some proper dark ( cant stand waiting till 10 at night till its dark! getting to old for that! lol ) Any way here is my first attempt of the year. I had a few problems with my kit as it hadnt been used for a while and I have forgotten how to process solar stuff but Im pleased with these as a first go at the year. 




C and C welcome.

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2 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Lovely close up images

Thank you, but after seeing what is being produced on this sight i have a lot to learn again about solar processing.

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52 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

Solar processing is rather different than for night stuff. Have you used autostakker3 and ImPPG? All free. 

Hi yes I have had a play with both but im still trying to get the feel of them, I dont think my few months every year doing processing solar stuff is ever going to get me into the greats but im happy to learn and play. 

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