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M101 & Friends


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Previously when I've been imaging M101, I've always stuck with that galaxy. But last night I noticed NGC5474 on the edge of the frame and repositioned to get that one in the image as well, mainly so I had something to enter in the Galaxy Clusters competition :D, but also for something different to the usual M101.

This is 3h35m of 5 minute subs, stacked in DSS and processed in PI, with final noise reduction in Topaz De-Noise.

The kit was:

  • Evostar 100ED DS Pro with 0.85 FR/FF
  • HEQ5
  • ASI294MC Pro cooled to -10°C, gain 120, offset 8 and UV/IR cut filter.
  • Captured with APT and guiding with PHD2

C's & C's welcomed, as always. ;)



Edited by Budgie1
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