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Zwo cam stop working...

paul mc c

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Hello all, for some reason my 224mc has stopped working, I was using it as a guide cam with no problems, now completely dead, downloaded sharp cap on another laptop and still no joy. Is there anywhere I can get it fixed or is it gone. 

Thanks Paul 

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I had a ZWO 290mini that was faulty recently and had it repaired through FLO.
I would contact them first and ask if they can assist.
They said if the repair was minor they could do it themselves but in my case had to be shipped back to China so may not be a quick fix. In the end they actually replaced the whole camera for a new one.


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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I guess first thing would be to email FLO and ask about repair, it maybe they will look at it and maybe suggest what the cost of repair maybe then you can decide.
If the cost of repair is far less than a new camera then it would be worth repairing but if not worth it then you can either leave it with them or get it returned and at least only cost a fiver or so postage so maybe worth the gamble than just throwing in the bin.


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