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Another Flame and Horsehead - second outing for the StellaMira 90mm APO


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Here is my version of the horsehead nebula from a few nights ago using the new StellaMira 90mm triplet. So far I am pretty impressed with the scope - certainly living up to my expectations.

Session was cut short due to early cloud and snow but......

Overall an hour each of R, G and B and 90 minutes each of luminance and Ha. Captured with an ASI1600mm pro and processed in Astro Pixel Processor and Affinity.

I decided against any star reduction as lets face it, trying to hide Alnitak is a bit of an impossibility.... There is some strange colour banding the top left - I need to look at where this is from. Possibly internal reflections?

Critical comments and suggestions welcome as always.

Horsehead_Nebula AP1a.jpg

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It's not impossible to hide Alnitak but it is a messing about. One of the Mods did a video on it a few years ago though I have tried many times to follow I just can't, his result was excellent though. I did lean a cheat way of doing it that worked well though. This is a scope I am considering, though it is a pain now with the EU import changes.


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7 minutes ago, alan potts said:

It's not impossible to hide Alnitak but it is a messing about

I might give it a go when I have some more time on my hands. There was quite a bit of micro-lensing on some of the channels which will add to the challenge as each of the channels is different.

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Nice ... the banding/rainbow top left is an artefact caused by Alnilam, I had the same the other night.  Alnitak is always an issue,  I use Pixinsight masked stretch to control it prior to any star reduction, not sure if APP or Affinity have something similar but if they do I suggest trying that.

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Really nice image, I am just on with processing the same target, managed some RGB data last Wednesday taking advantage of the absence of the moon, had some issues so did not get as much data as I would have liked but probably will not get many more chances this side of summer.
Also wondering what to do about reducing effect of Altinak, what I wanted to do was to do some shorter exposures and then blend that in to replace altinak in the processing but never got that data.

I also have some good Ha data I captured in Feb 2021 I want to add and need to do some searching what to do with that, I think somehow using pixelmath it is best to add some into red channel and some as luminance but not sure what to do with that yet.


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