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Gosh, no replies to this excellent image. Apart from the elongation it's very good indeed. Good colour, good light background sky with no clipping.

There is a dodgy Photoshop fix for that kind of elongation. 😁 It's very simple:

Make a copy layer. Change the blend mode to Darken.

Go to Filter-Other-Offset and move one layer relative to the other along the line of elongation. In this case it's easy because it's vertical. I went for a 3 vertical pixel offset as shown...






If the elongation is not parallel with the chip you can rotate the image till it is, follow the procedure then undo the rotation. I should imagine that this will also be possible in other layers-based graphics programs if you don't have Ps.

Again, what a good image.


Edited by ollypenrice
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On 07/01/2022 at 17:49, Jerry Barnes said:

About 6 hours of data, but poor guiding which I suspect may be the reason for elongation of the stars.  I'm not sure yet if I should give up on the mount or try and sort it out.  Always something to learn.... 

Thats a beautiful image. What is the duration of subs?

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Original data was 225 subs of 120 secs each in two sessions, I think I let DSS pick the best 75% of them.  It didn't look any different to Pixinsight stacking all of them (at least not obviously to my eye).  DSS is a lot faster for me.

The framing wasn't quite right which is why I cropped the way I did but the original could grow on me after reading Alacants's comment.


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