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annoying weather forecasting


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All the weather apps online are showing my location wall to wall clouds, yet earlier on it cleared and a peep outside shows it is still semi clear. (BBC/Met office/ventusky/clear outside)

Could easily have managed a short 2 hours sesh had one of them given me a heads up, slightly disapointed.

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Indeed it’s so annoying and I do understand myself how frustrating this can be.  I’ve just stepped down from organising trips to one of my local club’s dark sites. It was a continuing hassle whether to give a go/no go message to the group who were interested in going.  Often different forecasts were conflicting, or agreeing it would be clear when it wasn’t, or agreeing it would be cloudy when in fact it turned out to be clear😡😡😡

The other hassle was proposing visits to come, not being able to fix up anything else that night in case it was clear, or turning down invitations just in case the forecast might be ok, then in the end it was cloudy and I could have accepted going elsewhere……!!!

I came to the conclusion that cloud forecasts were no more than a roll of the dice, with no idea as to the result……


Edited by NGC 1502
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Same 'ere baz. Clear around 6pm, murky for an hour or so mid evening and locking up just now it's great out. Three forecasts stating cloud all night. 🙄 Unfortunately I had meals to cook and last minute Chrimbo shopping to do so couldn't make the most of the early evening sky. ☹️ The rising moon looked great on the way back from Sainsburys...

Forecasting aside, I thought last Autumn was bad, but this autumn/winter really does seem worse than last year.

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Each year seems even worse than the already bad previous one.  I am on the verge of divesting myself of all my DSO imaging gear since it is hopeless in the UK and using DSLR lenses for DSO widefield that can double up for terrestrial photography. Will focus on The Moon, Sun and planets with my telescopes. 

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