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ISSUE running 2 ZWO cameras on RPi - HELP needed


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I have the ASI224mc as main camera and recently purchased the ASI120mm mini for guiding. These are connected to the RPi and I remotely access these from my laptop running Ekos. The connection to these seems to a bit of hit and miss. There are times when they launch beautifully and there are others when only one of them or none will connect. I have tried with the ZWO CCD driver and using the ZWO Camera 1, 2 drivers
I have ALSO tried using Kstars on RPi and connecting with a local connection and with same results.
As the ASI224 supports USB3 and ASI120 mini only works on USB2, I tried connecting these to various USB ports on the RPi 4b with similar results.
RPi is using Astroberry v2.0.4 build so has the INDI drivers from v1.9.3 is my understanding. My laptop is running Kstars/Ekos 3.5.6.

Any help is appreciated!

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