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Moon with Binoviewers.


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Last night was the first real chance I had to try out my WO binoviewers on the moon and it was a revelation, not only was the image outstanding,  it looked like it was a 3D image. My wife had a look and after a few minutes she commented that the glare was not giving her a problem which was a problem for both of us without using filters. I remembered someone saying because the light was split between both eyes it is not as intense which was certainly the case, anyone want to buy a variable polarising filter 😀😀. It is a pity the clear skies are getting few and far between.

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I have the same set and completely agree- the moon is stunning in them. I need at least one Barlow to reach focus, so I don't get it quite as wide as you will have had it, but I have both of the ones that WO supply for the set so I can do 1.6x, 2x and 3.2x. With both I get 225x and the view takes my breath away every time.

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