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Initial attempt at the planets


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Hi all, after having acquired a Skywatcher Mak 127 at the end of last year, this summer I decided to try planetary imaging and I have to say, I really enjoyed it, even more so than deep sky! I found the processing less stressful and more enjoyable, along with a greater compatibility with the Welsh weather since we don’t get clear skies often or for long timescales per night.

Anyway, here’s my take on Saturn and Jupiter, both near opposition taken under good seeing conditions. Starting to feel a case of aperture fever may be coming on…..





Edited by Mark1489
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24 minutes ago, callisto said:

What mount/camera did you use Mark and what were your exposure times?


Mark :)

Hi Mark 🙂

I used a Altair GPCAM3 224c with a 2x Barlow and ZWO ADC, I think it was around 10ms per frame, 13,000 frames for Saturn and about 10,000 for Jupiter, with the best 15% stacked for both

I've got it all mounted on a Ioptron GEM28

Still learning a lot about it all, wasn't entirely sure if I could have made longer imaging runs without details smearing but I shall be experimenting in future!


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8 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Excellent work. one of the best 5" mak shots ive seen this year. Very impressive especially saturn

Thanks Neil! Hopefully many more nights to come with the seeing as good as the night I captured Saturn! 


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