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A busy bit of sky, Lobster's Claw and Bubble and friends


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I've imaged the Bubble Nebula a few times but never quite realised that it sits in such a busy part of the sky at the border between Cassiopeia and Cepheus.  My main aim was to have the Lobster's Claw alongside the Bubble but also included are M52, NGC 7538 and 7510.  

Scope: Tak FSQ 106 with 0.73 reducer

Camera: ASI 1600 mm pro

Filters: Baader 7nm

Ha - 7hrs 30, OIII and SII both 3 hours.  All in 10 mins subs.  I used 10 mins subs since my version of maxim  insists on dithering after every sub and it takes over 20 secs for the guiding to come back on track.

Processed in a hodge podge manner using PI and PS


Lobster's Claw Final.jpg

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6 hours ago, Scooot said:

Smashing image Martin, I love the wide FOV. 

Thank you Scoot.  Having used a QSI 532 camera for over 10 years it is quite liberating to now have use of cameras with larger chips.  

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29 minutes ago, Skyline said:

Its nice to see people still use ccd. Wonderful btw.

I have to confess my QSI is now in it's case and may never see starlight again.  This was taken with an ASI 1600 pro mono CMOS.  The QSI remains a superb scientific camera because of it's linear response.  CCDs do remain very capable cameras of course!

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