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SH 2-132 - 10 months of trying, a bit of head & mane in Ha


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Wow, isn't it soo frustrating taking this long to have anything to show for the investment in this "hobby"!..  I started this in January thinking I'd do a mosaic in HSO.. yeah right!

For Ha I managed 2 hours collected in Jan.. wind forward to this weekend.. and got another hour. Got similar for SII & OIII but only had time to have a quick process of the Ha so far for an idea how its doing.. I'm either gonna have to accept taking 4 or 5 years to do the mosaic at this rate or change the kit and go wider field.. I do like going up close & personal though.

Esprit150, the trusty QSI683 & Astrodon 5nm Ha. 900x12 subs.. (threw quite a few away) 


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12 hours ago, Sp@ce_d said:

I'm either gonna have to accept taking 4 or 5 years to do the mosaic at this rate or change the kit and go wider field.. I do like going up close & personal though.

That's looking superb so far @Sp@ce_d  Definitely an area of sky I'd like to capture, but with the RedCat!

Mosaics always sound like a great idea until you remember our skies 😅  (except with fast lenses!)  Is the plan four panes in the end to cover everything or would you get it with less?

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Nice image :)    Forget mosaics in the UK is my advice.  I was on a multi-year, deep image of M31 with 16 panes to create a huge work that would be 15000 pixels wide, but I have now abandoned it as unfeasible in the UK after four panes and three years.   Don't throw good time after bad.

Get a quality lens and go that route is my counsel to you - from personal experience.

Edited by kirkster501
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10 hours ago, geeklee said:

That's looking superb so far @Sp@ce_d  Definitely an area of sky I'd like to capture, but with the RedCat!

Mosaics always sound like a great idea until you remember our skies 😅  (except with fast lenses!)  Is the plan four panes in the end to cover everything or would you get it with less?


10 hours ago, kirkster501 said:

Nice image :)    Forget mosaics in the UK is my advice.  I was on a multi-year, deep image of M31 with 16 panes to create a huge work that would be 15000 pixels wide, but I have now abandoned it as unfeasible in the UK after four panes and three years.   Don't throw good time after bad.

Get a quality lens and go that route is my counsel to you - from personal experience.


Thanks both.. so yeah you are right and TBH I've lost the appetite for doing it with this setup now. The last mosaic I did was probably 5 years ago, having had such a poor start to this season think I'll be happy just getting the single frame. I'll see what I can make of the data so far with the OII & SII.

I did like the idea of the resolution but it needs at least 4 panes even if I switch out the QSI for a ASI2600. The Esprit80 with an ASI2600 might just do it and yes the Redcat that I've not had a chance to check out beyond hooking it on a DSLR for some daytime tests! It's typical, I've got the kit now but not had the time as works has been mental. I really can't face changing the setup as its all working nicely with ACP just running the Obsy. I put a dual shooter together under a telegizmo thinking I'd run it with Voyager. It's had the cover off twice since August and not even setup properly. The Voyager trials expired & never even run the setup in automation! Can't see that getting off the ground this season unless The Wife lets me retire.. but then again, I have that expensive hobby to fund.. 🤣.. first world problems ay

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19 hours ago, Sp@ce_d said:

Thanks both.. so yeah you are right and TBH I've lost the appetite for doing it with this setup now.


19 hours ago, Sp@ce_d said:

I did like the idea of the resolution but it needs at least 4 panes

If you're passionate about a particular mosaic project then you should carry on - even if you're chipping away at it over a few years while imaging other things in between.  Just keep the mosaic realistic!

If you've got the equipment, hopefully the time will come back to you.

Edited by geeklee
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Its looking great so far, but understand about the worry of taking 4+ years to complete the mosaic.

I don't think I am the only one that thinks this year has been particularly bad for getting quality imaging time, so there is always the hope next year will be better (probably said without much conviction).

Personally I think the end result will be well worth it but that said unless you are very committed you run the risk of your passion becoming something that is a  chore rather than a relaxing pastime and when it is no longer enjoyable then what is the point. If that is more the truth then you do need something more widefield to get this mosaic in less panels.


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That's looking very promising. So much detail in there, must be great at full resolution! And it's an interesting discussion. I have only recently started imaging again and so far have only imaged 'classical' stuff like M27, M31, M45, Heart Nebula, that kind of stuff. My setup gives me a FOV of just over 1 degree, so lots of it is too big to fit in. The choice is then to create a mosaic, buy a larger camera or a smaller scope.  But with a smaller scope you miss out on the detail. And I've got more time than money, so mosaics it is for now. Besides, from what I've seen on the forums, good astrophotography can be done at any pixel scale. And you've got to play the long game in this hobby. Good luck with it, I look forward to seeing the full SHO image.


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