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First time seeing Venus


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I had my first ever peak at Venus earlier this evening and it was amazing. I could make its phase and it looked like a 'mini-moon'. Seeing was not the best since it is low on my S-SW horizon and with thin clouds it was like a disco ball or as my wife described it a rainbow. Despite that, I loved getting a first look at it. Managed a quick look at the moon nearby as well. 

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I have a friend over right now who has never knowingly seen Venus. I pointed to the brightest thing in the sky except the moon and his reaction was priceless.

Then I pointed slightly left to Jupiter and in between Saturn and the moon. I said  including the planet we stand on, that is four of the eight. I don’t think it has sunk in yet😂👍

First proper Venus through a scope with some phase is a premier planetary moment. Well done, I have been right there and your report brought it back perfectly, thank you.


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17 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

I pointed to the brightest thing in the sky except the moon and his reaction was priceless.


17 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

Then I pointed slightly left to Jupiter and in between Saturn and the moon. I said  including the planet we stand on, that is four of the eight. I don’t think it has sunk in yet😂👍

That's what I love about astronomy when showing these to family & friends :thumbsup:



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@Marvin Jenkins and @callisto being relative new to the hobby it is always a hair raising moment for us (for me, it is even when I revisit targets) . My wife was amazed that the shinny 'star' was indeed Venus, although she took a liking to the rainbow effect. My 4 and 6 year olds know which 'stars' are Jupiter and Saturn now.  I have now seen 7/8, except Mercury.

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Congratulations on the first Venus, be careful it’s addictive, you keep going back to see the phase develop or reduce.

Wait until observing it more bites, it did for me and it became an obsession, all to see clouds on another planet!

Nice one, the first views always bring a wow and are memorable, but if your interest develops, then the wows just become a bit longer between as you sit dumbstruck observing a target for longer.

Sharing is great and very pleasurable, my dear Dad now long passed pointed me at The Moon and told me, it’s a wow now, but just wait until it draws you back again and again, how right he was. It often feels like he is still observing with me, but through my eyes.


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@Alan WhiteI would love to spend more time with Venus if the clouds ever allow. It has been clouded pretty much since this report. Jupiter/Saturn have had this effect on me trying to see moons or bands move at different times. I am also drawn to Uranus for some 'bizarre' reason that I also posted on another report; I just love trying to entice any details (I know it is probably unlikely with my 8" Dob but I like the diffuse blue disk among the sharper stars).


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15 minutes ago, Kon said:

I just love trying to entice any details (I know it is probably unlikely with my 8" Dob

I use a EQ platform with my Dob which gives me approx 1 hour on the planets without having to move the scope and this allows me to 'tease' out details :thumbsup:

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25 minutes ago, callisto said:

I use a EQ platform with my Dob which gives me approx 1 hour on the planets without having to move the scope and this allows me to 'tease' out details

No no no no, do not start!!!🤣 I do not need one, I do not need one....of course I need want one!💸 One of the reasons I upgraded my EPs to ES 82 degrees (and I enjoy the wide views) and the nudging is not too bad now. 

Edited by Kon
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6 minutes ago, Kon said:

No no no no, do not start!!!🤣 I do not need one, I do not need one....of course I need want one!💸 One of the reasons I upgraded my EPs to ES 82 degrees (and I enjoy the wide views) and the nudging is not too bad now. 

Yeah, but I still use my 82 eyepieces on the Dob 🤣

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