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Logging into mini pc

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I'm thinking about fitting a mini pc to my scope to control mount, guiding, focus and camera and then control the mini pc via team viewer or similar from my laptop indoors. My question is how do I log into the mini pc when I turn it on or will team viewer connect immediately allowing me to log in via the connection from my laptop?

May seem a silly question but.....I don't know!!!!😉

Kind regards,


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I use Anydesk for my imaging pc I leave my pc on in the shed but I think Anydesk will wake on Lan if you put into sleep mode and connection via laptop in house I don’t log out but if you do it’s only a matter of logging in once Anydesk connects to the imaging pc  .

Edited by bottletopburly
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I use RealVNC Server on my imaging /control mini PC and RealVNC viewer on my w10 Laptop in the lounge and android tablet for out at the scope.

Everything connects via the home WiFi at home or away from home I use my phone as a WiFi hot spot and everything connects to that.

On boot the RealVNC Server is actively waiting for connections, I just click on the link in VNC Viewer on my tablet or Lappy. No dramas!

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I used to use teamviewer but been using RDP for a while now & prefer it.. I run it from a Mac to the Obsy ‘puter  & also another rig I have a mini pc on the scope. Probably best to set it up with a fixed IP address rather than DHCP or make sure your router/dhcp server hands out the same IP to it.

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