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Everything posted by piprees

  1. And to show how much of a technophobe I am, that's the first time that I've heard the expressions swap performance or swap discs, doh!!!
  2. Hmmm, yes, sorry, but I'm a bit lost with most of that. What I guess I'm after is the sort of thing that I could say to a dealer. maybe about 3 or 4 parameters, such as i5 is a no no, or i7 is a defo.....
  3. Hi, I have pixinsight on my (originally windows 7, now upgraded to windows 10) Toshiba satellite C855 laptop and it seems to run quite slow especially if I'm using the drizzle data. Of course my laptop has everything else on it that you can imagine, which may be contributing to the slowness, so I've been thinking about getting a cheap refurbished desktop to be used solely for Pixinsight and nothing else. Has anyone else gone down this route and what sort of spec desktop would be suitable just for Pixinsight? Hope you can help, P.
  4. Hi Doc, the connections seem okay, the initial damage was to a retaining screw on the RS connector leaving it's sheared half in the threaded nut that holds the female side to outer casing. I undid the nut and got a replacement from a tv. Screwing it into the nut holding the connector to the mother board, that one sheared off, can you believe it, and those nuts seem to be rivetted in to the female connector!!! I then had the idea of getting a whole female assembly for the motherboard but that would mean soldering connectors together.....😟nooooo!!! P.
  5. Hi, I'm fearing something awful, you see, I had a cable snag BIG time. The RS 232 got ripped out of the connector on the NEQ6pro mount, shearing off one of the screws. I took the mother board to a computer shop and was told that it should be ok with just one screw holding the RS connector as long as the cable is immobilised, which I have done. Trying to connect the mount with Green Swamp. Followed the tutorial but then got the message......Mount:Error No Response Axis 1. Time out. I've read some of the replies about "both axis no response" but can't seem to find the problem of just one. My fear is that I've somehow damaged the motherboard or internal connections to one of the axis motors. The new RS connector cable is a Ugreen PL2303 with the appropriate driver and this appears on the port tab in Device manager. Just maybe, if this has happened to someone out there, what advise can you give. I live in hope..... Kind regards P.
  6. Thank you guys, you've relieved a couple of major worries. I'll come back here when it's all up and (hopefully) running..... P.
  7. Hi, I need to sort power for my set up. This will be a Pegasus focus cube, Zwo 1600 mm cool, Beelink T34 mini pc, plus the NEQ6. I'm considering a Powerpole distribution box from Dew control, Sawston, Cambs. and a Pro-Peak 13.8v 20 amp power supply. My question really concerns voltage. Will the 13.8 voltage supply do irreparable damage to equipment? It's just that I've heard that it'll be ok but I'd just like to be sure. Plus any comments on the power supply in general will be gratefully received. Many thanks P.
  8. Thank you guys, especially for the explanations as, to be honest, I didn't think anyone would reply to such a mundane question😆
  9. Hi, I'm thinking about fitting a mini pc to my scope to control mount, guiding, focus and camera and then control the mini pc via team viewer or similar from my laptop indoors. My question is how do I log into the mini pc when I turn it on or will team viewer connect immediately allowing me to log in via the connection from my laptop? May seem a silly question but.....I don't know!!!!😉 Kind regards, P.
  10. Hi, I'm having a problem connecting my focus cube. Power is fine as are all laptop connections. What happens is when I plug in the power cable the red light blinks twice quickly and then nothing at all. That's about it, very strange and very frustrating. It's been working fine ever since I bought it which was a couple of years ago, in fact working fine on the previous 2 nights. Any help or advise will be gratefully received.Kind regards,P
  11. The Mk11 has windows10 home, the gemini only says windows so I guess it's home. Apparently Team Viewer can be used without the pro version of windows and it's free for non commercial use.
  12. Droix has the M11, 4/128 ram/rom, for £104.95, Bangood has the gemini, 4/64, for £114.58 minus a new user coupon of £14.88. Postage is £3.99 from Droix and £9.25 from Bangood. I keep saying to myself....too good to be true!!!
  13. Hi, I've been toying with the idea of a remote mini pc for some time, purely for capture which would then be transferred after a session to a laptop for processing, and running SGpro with the plate solving libraries, PHD2, Pegasus autofocus, EQmod for the mount and all of the drivers plus of course Team Viewer for control from indoors. Just wondering if anyone has any experience of either the Beelink Gemini M J4125 or Beelink MII-V Intel NUC Mini PC as they seem to have a pretty good spec, 4/64 or 4/128 storage plus lots of usb3 sockets. Both of these minis are just over £100 and seem to be too good to be true, hmmm, maybe they are!!! Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated, Kind regards, Phil
  14. Spookily just finished mine. I'll take a photo of it later and try and explain everything then. How strange...... Phil
  15. Hi, I'm trying to tidy up the mains cables on my set up. Has anyone got any experience with a 175-265V to DC 12V 20A 240W IP53 Outdoor Transformer Power SupplyDriver or similar. What I'm aiming for is 1 mains cable to a small transformer with 3x12v outlets for camera, mount and autoguider. Apparently they're popular in the USA but I've not heard much about them being used in the UK. Hope somebody can help, Kind regards, Phil
  16. Hi, I’m interested in using wi fi connections for my equipment using SGpro and my laptop. May be a daft question but, do the systems work with SGpro??? I was thinking of the StellarMate system or if that is too complex maybe starting with the Sky-Watcher SynScan Wi-Fi Adapter or SkyFi III Wireless Telescope Control System. Any info will be gratefully received. Kind regards, Phil
  17. Thanks John, in the words of Windsor Davies, what a pity, never mind.😉
  18. Hi, I have a Baader diamond steeltrack NT fitted to my Skywatcher 200p and I wonder if this focuser will fit, with an adaptor, to a refractor. Seems like something simple but has anyone ever tried it. Kind regards, P.
  19. From the album: A galaxy far far away

    Zwo 1600 m, 15x180 LRGB, stacked and processed in Pixinsight.
  20. piprees

    A galaxy far far away

    Some stuff that I found.....
  21. I realise this thread is pretty old but I'm just getting into greater details after getting a ZWO 1600mm cool. So my question is, if I do 16x300 luminance exposures should I then apply 2x binning with 8x300 or 16x150 for the RGB filters? Kind regards, P.
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