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Wednesday Solar Action 29-9-21


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thanks Steve your very kind. there was other proms mate but i give up with the seeing getting worse by the minute, i took the prom shot first which im quite happy with but i could not see the spots on the ARs on the live view  they showed when staxed thankfully. clear skys. charl.

10 minutes ago, Ibbo! said:

Nicely done Charl.


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I use a Baader full aperture D-ERF on my 150/10.
Yesterday I was using some black, camping mattress foam, to measure where the focus was sharpest.
It is much easier to see the sun's disk on smooth, black material. Rather than blindingly bright [or red] on white.

Without the usual "protective" IR/UV blocking filters smoke soon rose from the foam!
The burn left a shiny trail on the foam surface. So much for the Baader D-ERF having a cool beam!

I now use an additional Baader 35nm H-alpha, 2" filter. Plus a Beloptik KG3.
Both are stacked in front of the PST etalon. These really do ensure a cool beam after the D-ERF.

I had the same problem with a burning beam with a 90mm Baader sub aperture D-ERF inside a 150/8.
That mistake cost me a ZWO camera. I would never trust a Baader D-ERF alone to protect a 150mm H-a system.

Try it for yourself. You can instantly burn your hand, or your clothes at focus after a D-ERF.
When it is the only means of protection from a 150mm objective.

I have shiny burns on my black, down jacket. Where the beam accidentally shone on it during adjustment.
It is easy to forget when your are checking focus without the usual optical train.
You glance down to see smoke rising from your clothing!

Let's be careful out there!

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