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Clear skies but raining

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Looking out of the window  I noticed the skies were clear,  so I rolled my dob out of the shed to let it cool down before observing. 

So I started to find the objects I know I could find ring nebula, m31,m13 ,m81,m82 found the veil nebula for the first time using uhc filter.  The skies where still clear and very dark could see the milky way stretching across the sky but it started to rain without a cloud in sight so had to roll the dob back into the shed but it was good while it lasted. 


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Unexpectededly clear last night , out with the 12" Dob , looking at M13 ( my first ever sighting of this ) and of course the Ring Neb . No Freak rain but a chill breeze which heralds the cold nights to come . You know , the ones where you look like a complete idiot sitting outside whilst everyone is warm indoors  🤣

Edited by Stu1smartcookie
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Me too. Last night in Shropshire.  I thought it was moths hitting my head which often happens when I have my head light on. I suddenly realised it was rain, looked up and it was a beautiful starry sky, everywhere. So sudden shutdown and drag lapto, scope and the rest of the kit indoors.


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It's a bit Russian Roulette by the sound of it, even Clear outside is reporting tomorrow night as 0% cloud from 8-11pm, but a 15% chance of rain? Not sure I want to risk going out to be honest...

Also keep reminding myself that my next hobby must not be weather dependant. :)


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