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Sh2-205 - A Horse Head in Camelopardalis


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The moon is out and I have had two clear nights using the IDAS NBZ filters (Ha+Oiii dual band) on my Dual RASA rig. Here is the result of the second night.

This is a fairly large but mostly faint Ha emitting nebula from the Sharpless catalogue, therefore suitable for the FOV of a RASA. To me it looks like a horse drinking water with the muzzle reflecting in the water surface, so the Horse Head Nebula of Camelopardalis.

Most of the Ha emission in the image is quite faint so I binned it 2x2 (using Superpixel debayering in PI). 9 hours of integration at f/2 also helped.

So, two RASA8 with ASI2600MC and IDAS NBZ on a Mesu200. 2 x 55 exposures of 5 minutes (gain 100), totally 550 minutes (about 9 hours). Processed in PI and PS.

Cheers, Göran


20210925-26 Sh2-205 RASA1+2 PS23smallSign.jpg

Edited by gorann
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Thanks Wim! Yes I cannot stop myself imagening creatures in images. Also quite striking to try different orientations. Turn it 180° and it looks like a sea creature coming up to gulp air:


20210925-26 Sh2-205 RASA1+2 PS23smallSign.jpg

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1 hour ago, tomato said:

Well, I can see a fast and sharp duel set up really delivering on faint targets.👍

That's it Steve! And I found another advantage with a dual set up. If the stars in a corner looks a bit misshaped from one scope, I just pick them from the other.

Edited by gorann
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