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5/9/2021: The Sun in six wavelengths.


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Very nice collection, well presented.

I'm testing a MiniSHG based loosely on Christian Buil's SolEx design (but without the 3D printing)

The associated INTI software by Valerie Desnoux is exceptionally fast and can present the images (based on 16bit SER files) in seconds!!

I didn't include H beta in my quick run of multi-wavelengths but did record all the rest.

Using the ASI 178 with 9 sec scans in Declination.






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Hi Ken,

Very nice detail you have there, what telescope objective do you use with your setup? I eventually upgraded to a 2400 lpmm grating and already being borderline in the UV had to opt for a 90 mm objective (AliExpress) to compensate for light loss due to the wider dispersion.


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