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Extending the WiFi range of an ASIAIR pro

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I’m not sure wher this topic goes so admin move to where you consider it best.

I have posted on the ASIAIR pro support forum but not had an answer. My issue is that I have purchased a Vonets WiFi extender (VAP11AC) as recommended by ZWO also I have watched various videos but they either have, for me, too many areas that leave me guessing, I am not tech savvvy so everything must be an idiots guide. 

The ASIAIR gives out its own WiFi signal, this is where I am confused, do I connect to my home WiFi or the ASIAIR, either way how do I do it? Anyone help please.

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I'm not ofay with the vonnets wifi extender but normally You connect to the asiair pro WiFi. All you do is turn on your AAP until you hear the beep then if your using a tablet or phone to connect with the AAP, go into the WiFi setting on your smart phone or tablet and select the asiair WiFi signal until it connects then start the asiair app. Like I say I don't know anything about the WiFi extender but I'd assume you connect to the asiair WiFi still. I expect someone with better knowledge will be along shortly. 

Edited by AstroNebulee
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Well, it's not one I'd choose. but I'll explain. I got this one yesterday actually for one of my asiairs so I can use it in motorhome with better range:


So firstly, there are two basic things you might want to do here:

A: add the asair to your home wifi network you have already . You will then be able to connect to th asiair from your home wifi OR the new wifi point. And while connected you will still have internet access. If you don't plan to ever use the asiair away from home, this is probably what you want.

B: you want the asiair to be portable for travel, but just have a better wifi signal - so that out camping or whatever you have a far better range.

Here how to do B (it's what I've just done this morning for the above bit of kit.

Basically you are going to configure it so you don't use the asiair wifi at all. It'll still be there with it's crap range, but you are going to add another one with your device.

You set your device to 'AP' (access point) mode. And you connect it to the asiair with the ethernet cable.

Configure your device in AP mode, set an SSID name and a password, and job done.

You can now connect to this new AP, and when connected, if you start the asiair app it should find the asiair and you can connect. You will find this signal much better and be able to use it further away.

However, you will not have any internet when connected. The asiair doesn't need it of course. But if you do, you'll have to disconnect from that wifi and connect to your home one, or mobile signal.

If you are happy with B for home use of course you can just do that too - but you might find that the signal is not strong enough to reach YOU in the house

Here's how to do A:

A is where you want to use it only at home, and wherever you use it has a wifi signal from you home wifi, but not a strong enough one for the asiair on it's own to find and bridge.

Here you set your new device in 'extender' mode.  And again, plug it into the asiair with ethernet port.

You configure the extender mode by giving it the SSID and password of yourt home network, and providing an SSID and password for the new wifi network it will create (though you won't need to use that one).

Once done, you can now connect to your home wifi as normal, and the asair will be found on it by the app. This way, you will have internet access of course, because you are on your home network.

If outside near the asiair, you might find connecting to the new device extender wifi network quicker - so can do that too.

I use mode A for my asiair that is mounted on my EQ6-R.



Edited by powerlord
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Thanks guys for the replies.

Powerlord, I like method A but I need an idiots guide to do it, how and where do I set the Vonets in extender mode?your drawing is good but where do I input the ssid and password, also where will I find them? I will be using the AAP at home always due to medical reasons, that is why I got the AAP so I can sit inside in the warm.

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It's a bit tricky to produce simple guides for all devices so best to use the Vonet manual here as a source. As Powerlord has suggest probably the best for you is the  Wi-Fi Bridge on page 3.

So first you power up the Vonet and use a laptop/phone/tablet to connect to it's initial hotspot which allows you to connect to it and run the setup in a browser.  This will require you to search for home network and enter the password. From the manual:

  • The option “The configuration parameters of WiFi repeater security is synchronized with source hotspot” is default ticked, it means The SSID of the VONETS repeater is associated with the SSID of the source hotspot, and the WiFi password is the same as the password of the source hotspot;
  • If you select “Disable hotspot” on the right side of the SSID, the device will not transmit the corresponding hotspot and can only be used as a bridge application.

Once that is done power off the device, as instructed, then plug a short ethernet cable from the Vonet to the AAP, power up the Vonet first and the AAP next - that should default to an ip address suitable for your home network.


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