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Everything posted by Dinoboy

  1. Hi Dave sorry I am not able to provide a link, me and computers are like oil and water but if you speak to your Astro retailer Imsure they will help.
  2. Hi, I have just been watching the TJ Connolly video and noticed he attached the am5 to the zwo tripod using the silver round adapter which is supplied with the zwo carbon tripod, I’ve not got one of those, will I need to purchase one of those adapters to fit the am5 to my Celestron AVX tripod? And at the bottom end of the pier will I be able to attach myBerlebach adapter to fit onto my Celestron AVX tripod. Anyone help please.
  3. Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help please. I have a Belerbach adapter which allows me to attach my am5 to my Celestron AVX tripod so to, avoid any meridian flip issue , I’m considering getting a Zwo pier but, the adapter currently attaches to the bottom of the am5 and then fits into the hole on top of my AVX. If I get a pier will it attach onto the bottom of the am5 and then allow me to fit the adapter to the bottom of the pier, therefore allowing me to attach the whole to my AVX tripod? Anyone advise please.
  4. Hi Phil, yes the weight of the mount makes it extremely portable, I have to consider the weight of things as I cannot carry heavy items due to very weak knees. If you have a tripod where you can take off the post, as you can with the Celestron AVX mount, you will save yourself a few hundred quid, you will need to buy an adapter but they are a lot cheaper than the zwo tripod.
  5. Hello Admiral, my scope is an Explore Scientific ed80apo. I have weighed everything and it comes to about 6 kilos. As you say the ASIAIR makes everything more enjoyable especially once one has Polar aligned. I want to image ic1396 the elephant trunk so I can follow along, step by step, a video regarding processing in Pixinsight. I have watched hours and hours of videos about PI but it seems to go in one ear and out the other. The said video is by Enteringintospace. Sorry don’t know his name. I’ve signed up for Adam Blocks Fundamentals course regarding PI, he’s very knowledgable and explains things for each process in great depth.
  6. Hi, I have an ASIAIR pro along with an asi 249mc camera. To guide with I have a skywatcher evo 50. I use my apple iPad with the relevant apps on therefore I control polar alignment, camera functions Etc. The skies here in Leicestershire have not been kind but as soon as I have something I’ll post it.
  7. Hi, I have just received my am5 mount but did not bother to buy the tripod as I will use my Celestron AVX tripod, I have purchased an adapter that fits onto the bottom of the am5 and the bolt on the AVX fits into the bottom of the adapter. One has to be careful here as there are, I believe, different sizes of adapter, my AVX tripod measured about 63mm, measure yours to be sure and do it using a vernier or similar. I have not had the chance of trying the mount due to clouds. I attached everything to the scope then found the centre by putting a piece of doweling under the scope and marked the vixen bar where the centre is therefore giving me, hopefully, the best balance. Can’t wait to try things out. My previous mount was a skywatcher 3-2 but, even though, with everything balanced, I got star trailing if I imaged 40-60seconds, I’m sure that mount is not up to it and I’m hoping the am5 will give me better results.
  8. Hi, I’ve just fitted a Berlebach adapter I purchased from an astronomy dealer and it fits both the am5 and my Celestron AVX. There is another one made by a German manufacturer which is slightly dearer but I’m sure will do the same job. Now I can get on with some longer exposures and hopefully my data will be better. I know I could have gotten a skywatcher mount but I have to consider weight.
  9. Hi everI have purchased an adapter but I’m not sure of the spelling of both adapter and manufacturers but I will when it comes and I’ve tested to make sure things fit as they should.
  10. Thanks for the link. I have tried screwing the bolt of the AVX tripod into the bottom of the am5 but it only goes in less than one turn so to me it doesn’t feel secure.
  11. hi, I have an am5 that I want to put onto my AVX tripod which I’m told is possible but how and what extra fittings do I need. Anyone advise please.
  12. Thanks for the replies, my scope is an explore scientific ed80apo, or a Radian Raptor 61, again using the ASIAIR along with an electronic focuser ( EAF) I also use the zwo ASIAIR pro to control things. I have looked on second hand sites but am always wary .
  13. hi everyone, I’m contemplating upgrading my mount but weight has a big say as I have problems so I no longer go to our dark site. I currently have a skywatcher eq3-2 and am looking at the skywatcher Heq5. I do a bit of astrophography and very little visual. Would it be worth spending upwards of £1000 to get the Heq5? And would I see an appreciable difference in my images? Anyone advise please.
  14. Hello everyone, the above guide scope has a helical focusser and I was wondering if anyone has changed that focusser four another one such as a moonlight Etc. I am thinking of putting an electronic focusser on the alternative focusser unit. What do you think?
  15. Thanks guys for the replies. Powerlord, I like method A but I need an idiots guide to do it, how and where do I set the Vonets in extender mode?your drawing is good but where do I input the ssid and password, also where will I find them? I will be using the AAP at home always due to medical reasons, that is why I got the AAP so I can sit inside in the warm.
  16. I’m not sure wher this topic goes so admin move to where you consider it best. I have posted on the ASIAIR pro support forum but not had an answer. My issue is that I have purchased a Vonets WiFi extender (VAP11AC) as recommended by ZWO also I have watched various videos but they either have, for me, too many areas that leave me guessing, I am not tech savvvy so everything must be an idiots guide. The ASIAIR gives out its own WiFi signal, this is where I am confused, do I connect to my home WiFi or the ASIAIR, either way how do I do it? Anyone help please.
  17. Thanks for the reply, I think I’ll investigate further but Stellarmate may be the way I’ll go but that throws up other questions such as what cables would I need? My mount is a Skywatcher eq3-2 the scope is an Explore Scientific ed80apo and the focusser is a zwo eaf. My camera would be a Canon 800d and the guide scope is a Skywatcher evo. Anyonehelp please.
  18. Hi everyone I have just taken delivery of a Jackery 240 powerstation, not used it yet just charging it. My question is that I’m considering getting a Stellarmate to control things on my mount but will it work a ZWOEAF focusser? I know the ASIAIR pro is compatible but is the Stellarmate? Any one advise please.
  19. Hi everyone I have just been reading a thread about charging your battery, my query relates to batteries. As mine are getting on in years I am thinking about getting a new one but which? I have been looking at a Jackery as well as the Ninjabatt, both are quite expensive but I really prefer a lighter battery for medical reasons. Can anyone advise which battery they recommend please. Let me clarify, one day I will power my skywatcher eq3 mount with a guide scope and two dew bands, and the next time will be my AVX mount with an ASIAIR pro, guide scope and two dew bands. I aim to power the AVX mount with a separate power source from the main battery, so the new battery will power my ASIAIR pro and dew bands.
  20. Hi Craig thanks for your reply, did you get a battery, if so which one.
  21. Hi, I need to buy a new battery as mine is getting on and will not hold a charge. I like the look of the Ninjabatt but Amazon have sold out so not even a price. This battery has all I need, usb3ports and a cigarette port but I can’t find where they are sold in the uk. I really like the look of this battery. I’ll use it to power my mount, dew bands (x2) camera (Canon800) and Guide scope camera. Can anyone advise please both as to where I may buy one and the uk price.
  22. Hi, as has been said the issue could by batteries but also have you updated the firmware? Even though the hc may be new to you the hc may not be up to date with firmware.
  23. Hi I have the ASIAIR pro and a tplink but even though I’m about 15’ from my home broadband router the connection keeps dropping I have tried various settings on the tplink but it does not seem to make any difference so I’m thinking of running an Ethernet cable from the home router to the ASIAIR. Anyone having the same problem and can you advise on the Ethernet cable, I’m thinking of getting a cat8 20 m cable.
  24. Thanks for the replies and advice. I have been looking at both WiFi extenders and mesh extenders but which is the best. All I want to do is get the best most reliable connection to my ASIAIR.
  25. Thank you for the reply. I aim to hook up my ASIAIR to the WiFi extender in , I hope, Order to have a better WiFi connection. Power to the ASIAIR will come from my battery. My telescope on which will be the ASIAIR will be in the garden about 20’ from the house. That is why I have been thinking about an extender. The extender I am looking at is a Rangextd.
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