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Image Rectifier

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Hi I just recently purchased a SW 8" Dobsonian.  After assembling everything I noticed that the images through the eyepiece was upside down.  So I did some searching on the web on why and how I can fix this.  I was wondering if this Barlow I found on amazon would do the trick.



Or is there another solution?

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There's nothing to fix.  There's no up or down in space.  You just get used to it in short order.  Adding a rectifier with internal roof prisms will degrade the image quality.

If you really want to view objects right side up, stand on the opposite side of the scope and lean over it looking into the eyepiece upside down.  The two will cancel out and the image will appear right side up to your brain.

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As Louis says, there's nothing to fix, it's absolutely intentional.  The reason is that every piece of glass that the image has to go through will take a bit of light away, so the extra bits that would be needed to put things 'right' are left out.

I agree that it's a nuisance though, and although Im used to it, the bit I have a devil of a job trying to get my head around is image orientation when looking through the side of the scope and comparing that to what i should see in astronomy software.  'UP' takes a lot of sorting!

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10 hours ago, HaiXing said:

I was wondering if this Barlow I found on amazon would do the trick.

As others have said there is nothing to fix.

But just to add to your knowledge - a barlow increases the focal length of the scope therefore you will get more magnification with the same eyepiece after attaching a barlow in front. Hence the 2x or 3x notation for them.

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I also have the SW 8" Dob, your views through it are completely normal and the more you use it, the more used to it you will become. My advice - save your money and get a RACI (right angled correct image) finder, a Cheshire eyepiece and a collimation cap. 


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