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First attempt om M31 with skywatcher star adventure pro

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On 16/08/2021 at 20:04, Chris said:

That's a great start Ash, and don't worry, literally everyone starts out by black clipping their images. 

May your astrophotography addiction begin :)

Thanks Chris,

My addiction started years ago with a electric mini eq mount from "beaconhill telescopes" connected to my car battery  with my Nikon F3.....now there's a camera!! Now ordered a eyepiece cover DK-5 for £8 from a well known auction site,perhaps I should try my Nikon D2XS which has the shutter blind built in but it would look awkward sitting there on account of it's built in grip! moving on regarding "dark frames" is there anyone else here that doesn't use them? I thought you used them to control noise!



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6 hours ago, MrZuiko said:

"dark frames" is there anyone else here that doesn't use them?

I never bother with them, but then again I'm not going for the best images possible. With modern sensors it's less important, but it's still probably worth doing if you're aiming to achieve the best.  

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