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EP47 - Wednesday, 14th July 2021 7:30pm BST - Here Comes the Sun by Keith Townsend


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Our guest speaker this week is Keith Townsend from http://www.astronomymatters.co.uk/ to give us his talk Here Comes the Sun.

Keith's childhood interest in astronomy developed into telescope ownership some 25 years ago and imaging became a large part of this around the turn of the century. Hee never made it off the slippery slope and continue to suffer the consequences to this day!

Keith was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in 2016 and have been delivering talks to a wide range of groups for almost 10 years.

One of his passions is to try to unlock the fascination many people have for the night sky, but don’t realise it.


This months talk is 'Here Comes the Sun': The sun sustains life here on Earth but to astronomers it is a G-type main-sequence star (G2V) informally referred to as a 'yellow dwarf’. Recent missions are massively expanding our knowledge and understanding at an incredible rate, so what's it all about? 

This talk explores some basics, details the latest findings and includes some fascinating images and animations.

This talk is our first after a bit of a hiatus and the first of our new monthly format - we will see how it goes before picking a permeant recurring slot but to begin with, we are going to try the second Wednesday of the month and may try to squeeze in a Sunday session at some point as well.

Hope to see you all Wednesday 🙂

Meeting details below:

Topic: EP47 - Wednesday, 14th July 2021 7:30pm BST - Here Comes the Sun by Keith Townsend
Time: Jul 14, 2021 07:30 PM London

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Meeting ID: 859 8608 9826
Passcode: 142936

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