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Corona Australis and Surrounds

Epick Crom

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Hi my fellow stargazers! I was lucky to get a second night of clear skies here during our wet season. I took full advantage of the situation by checking out several areas of sky I had never looked at before through my 10 inch dob. 

Corona Australis

Gamma Corona Australis: Very tight, close double star. Identical colours and brightness. Sky Safari lists seperation as 1.5''.

NGC 6541: Nice, bright globular cluster. Almost fully resolved in my 10".

NGC'S 6726, 6727 and 6729: Oh wow! A group of three nebulae all in close proximity to each other. Never seen this before. My loud exclamations brought out my wife to see what was going on 😀. Even she was impressed. Amazing sight, these three are reflection nebula, all glowing distinctly blue! NGC 6729 in particular stood out, it's shaped like a comet and brightest of the trio. I can't believe these incredible objects don't have a common name!

NGC 6723: This big globular belongs to Sagittarius but is right on the border with Corona Australis and is close to the NGC nebulae I just mentioned. At 48x I can fit this globular and the three nebulae in the same field of view. Words escape me in trying to describe this view😍

HR 7170: Equally matched double star in Corona Australis, bathed in faint nebulosity. Lovely!

From Corona Australis I moved on to the constellation Pavo to look for a globular I had yet to see through a telescope, NGC 6752. Took a bit of starhopping to get to it as it lies in a sparse area of sky. But oh man once I found it I was struck with awe once again. An absolutely spectacular globular cluster, my second "Oh Wow" moment of the night! It's stars are arranged in the most complex and stunning patterns that I've ever seen so far in any globular ( and this includes Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanae). It looks like a celestial spider, one loop in particular on the left side has a 3D effect. Fully resolved to the core.

Unfortunately I had work the next day so had to retire for the night. Powerful session, I can't believe the incredible sights I've seen so far since buying my first telescope 10 months ago. What a lifetime journey this will be! Clear skies to you all.


Edited by Epick Crom
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What a report and a session you had!! Wow! I had to google and do some reading on the nebula-trio you got there. Impressive; it must have been a sight! I would love to see that at some point. Second excellent report in a row, I am really jealous of your clear skies even if cold!

Your enthusiasm on the hobby is really coming across through the reports.

Edited by Kon
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A globular and 3 nebulae in the same field of view!!….wow!!…..so jealous!!!

FYI - NGC6752 is recorded in SkySafari as being one of the oldest known objects in the Universe which, I’m sure you’ll agree, makes the observation even more special

Edited by Jiggy 67
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