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Milky Way arch over the Mump

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Another shot of my easily accessible local subject, Burrow Mump.  This time with the Milky Way arching above it.

Taken over the recent new moon with my modified Canon 6D and the Samyang 14mm f/2.8 stopped down to f/3.5.  This is a 27 shot panorama... 9 profile panes, 3x 20 second shots per pane stacked in Sequator.  The resulting images were stitched in Autostitch and the image then tweaked in Rawtherapee and GIMP.

The foreground and the ruin were lit with a couple of Ulocool LED lamps at 2500k and 5% intensity (these were a great Amazon buy!).  Unfortunately I couldn't get the sheep to stand still throughout.  As always C&C welcome.


Edited by Zummerzet_Leveller
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Now there's a place I've seen so many times in the twilight, either on the way to or returning from swimming competitions at Millfield.  It's never looked quite like that though :)


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Cracking image, Jody - right up my street.  Glad you managed to get back there to capture the MW.  I like the fact that you've been restrained on the processing so it looks very natural; I tend to get a little carried away with my mind's eye.  I like the extra detail the astro-mod has brought out; I've seen the odd 6Da for sale in the classifieds and definitely got twitchy fingers, but have opted for now to get really really used to my standard 6D.

Poor form on the non-stationary sheep though. 🤣

The 14mm Samyang is a formidable lens, isn't it?  I've found I have to have very generous overlaps for panos because of the fairly significant distortion, but it gets great results.  

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14 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Cracking image, Jody - right up my street.

Thanks Paul.  I'm dead chuffed with it.  It's my first proper Pano and took a couple of attempts as I had to learn about parallax!  Queue adaption of a vixen dovetail bar from one of my my Sky-Watcher's.  A while back I managed to buy a second, reasonably priced 6D on Gumtree and sent one off to be modded at Astonomiser, I still use the unmodded one for some shots as the colours are more natural.  In this one I wanted to make the Ha pop a bit so used the modded camera.  Because there is more red and Ha sensitivity if you push the processing of the milky way too much it all goes a bit pink.  All a big learning curve for me as I only got my first DSLR less than a year ago, I'd never heard of RAW files or post processing before then.

14 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Poor form on the non-stationary sheep though.

I did ask them nicely but didn't bring along my Sheep-Pig on that day.

14 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

The 14mm Samyang is a formidable lens, isn't it?

It's great.  I have a cine version so can play around a bit more with the F stop.  To minimise the distortion in the Pano I used the lens adjustment in RawTherapee to mitigate some of the barrel distortion before I did the stitch.  It seemed to work ok but I can see some tell tale bulging and coma in places.  For a budget wide angle lens it really performs well, I have the 24mm too, they are all great lenses for the price.

Here's a pic of one of my neighbours houses taken with the non-modded 6D and the 24mm Samyang.  I'm trying to keep him sweet as he lets this place out to groups of up to 17!  He also has a garish pink LED light strip that goes all along the roofline which ruins my night vision and any telescope stuff I want to do in the garden.  If I am nice and give him a good quality version of this, I feel I can ask him politely to turn off the lights...


Edited by Zummerzet_Leveller
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Wow. Everything about that image has worked well hasn't it ? I like the internal lighting and the outside hasn't got any stripes at all. Unlike some of mine !

Very nice pano whether it's your first or not. It looks like you've got it nailed.


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2 hours ago, davew said:

the outside hasn't got any stripes at all

Thanks for the comments @davew.  I watched a great YouTube video from the team at PhotoPills, it helped me a lot with the principles.  There are a couple of vertical line mismatches on the buttresses to the left and right of the image that I might look to resolve but almost seem like they are meant to look like it.  I was very impressed by Autostitch as a free software, it made the processors a tad warm and took about 15 mins to complete but the output is great.  The LED lamps I used diffuse the light really well so as I hoped it gave it a nice soft feel.

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I can't say I've ever tried Autostitch but I may download it and have a go. I usually use ICE or Lightroom but I think Microsoft have removed ICE from their server so it's a good job I have a copy of it somewhere or other.

Yep, the lights do have a soft effect and certainly illuminate a large area better than my mini torch ! I have been told to put my hand in my pocket and get some proper lights like yours !


Edited by davew
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