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How would you shoot higher objects with the z61 on the star adventurer

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So recently I bought the star adventurer and am planning on using the z61 as my imaging telescope. I have seen a lot of people recommend it as a great telescope to use and after doing some research have decided that it is probably the telescope that I should get. I am confused on one simple thing though, do I have to be polar aligned while imaging? And if I do, how do I all the telescope I am using to point close/towards zenith. Wouldn't I have to stay at the latitude of Polaris to image?

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Okay that is what I thought. This leads me to another question though, how do you allow the z61 to point towards zenith, is there a knob or do you have to adjust the circle bracket that it sits on?


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Oh my goodness I feel stupid. I have spent a lot of time this weekend trying to figure out how to adjust the altitude and all I needed to do what rotate the the mounting assembly to be horizontal and adjust the angle the angle of the camera. Thanks for the help 

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